Destiny 2 xenophage: Shadowkeep will compensate you with a lot of Exotics in case you’re working through the week after week occasions. Period of the Undying has seen the dispatch of three new Exotic weapon mission since the beginning of Destiny 2’s freshest development, and more make certain to follow. The most recent is the Xenophage Exotic automatic rifle, which went to the game simultaneously as the Festival of the Lost, Destiny 2’s yearly Halloween occasion, and the new moon prison, Pit of Heresy. Like ongoing missions to procure Divinity, Deathbringer, and Leviathan’s Breath, getting Xenophage is a long excursion that requires a considerable amount of work and puzzle-tackling skill.
To begin the Xenophage mission, you’ll need to make a beeline for the moon. From that point, things get somewhat confounding. You’ll have to advance into an exceptional part of the Shadowkeep region that you generally possibly see when you complete Eris’ week by week memory journeys. When you discover it’s anything but’s, significantly more to do.
Here’s beginning and end you need to know to begin on the Xenophage destiny 2 journey, including where to go and how to settle the riddle including the sculptures you’ll discover there.
Where To Start The Xenophage Exotic Quest
The whole Xenophage journey happens on the moon, so head there first. You’ll need to drop by the Sanctuary and converse with Eris Morn to kick yourself off on the mission to open the Pit of Heresy, the Shadowkeep extension’s new prison. Whenever you have the essential journey steps, you’re prepared to discover the beginning of the Xenophage definition mission.
To start off your excursion to get the Exotic automatic rifle, you’ll need to go to Eris’ spot sitting above the pyramid. In the event that you’ve done any of the journeys to purify Eris’ recollections, you’ll have seen this spot- – however to get to it, you normally take the gateway close to Eris in the Sanctuary. So you have two choices: Either complete the week after week memory to open the entryway and get to the spot, or take the long path around and stroll to that area. On the off chance that you need to stroll, here’s the means by which to arrive.
The most effective method to Get To Eris’ Overlook In The Enduring Abyss
Start by bringing forth in at Sorrow’s Harbor. Ride your Sparrow north to the passage where you’d regularly start the Scarlet Keep Strike, and the start of the way you took to enter the pyramid in the mission.
As you enter the Scarlet Keep, you’ll have ways open to one side and right with a green bringing gem in the focal point of the room, as in the Savathun’s Song Strike. Take the left entryway – this is the one that guides you toward the pyramid and the way you take during the story.
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Continue to stroll through the passage until you see a major green shining light fixture lying in the way, against a stone. At the point when you hit this spot, gaze upward and to one side; you should see an initial you can hop up to that is not promptly clear. On the off chance that you enter the dim region with the white rough dividers (where you originally discovered Nightmare Thralls during the story crusade), you’ve gone excessively far. You additionally ought not arise outside by the same token.
At the point when you move up, you’ll enter the region close to Eris’ disregard. Bear left on the way and you should discover your way there with no issue. The pyramid will be before you, and you’ll have four Hive sculptures spread out on one or the other side of the room. These are the thing you’re searching for.
The most effective method to Activate The Statues
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In the event that you approach the Hive sculptures, you’ll see a brief to cooperate with them that says “Rise up out of Darkness.” You need to actuate each of the four sculptures in the appropriate request to start off the Xenophage mission. Remaining in the entryway pointing toward the pyramid, you’ll have four sculptures around you- – front and back right, and front and back left.