7 Things to Look For When Choosing a Drug Rehab Program in Melbourne


The public drug and alcohol system is chronically underfunded. Approximately 200,000 individuals get treatment for alcohol and drug problems every year in Australia, though the demand is projected reach 510,000. The outcome is a long waiting list for publicly funded treatment or individuals choosing private services so as to fill the gap.

Currently, there is no overarching regulation of private drug and alcohol treatment. This means any individual may start a private rehab center, no matter whether they have the qualifications, skills, and experience to do so. If rehab program options overwhelm you, here are things to consider so as to choose the best:

  1. Treatment Type

Research shows that treatment programs are classified into several modalities or types. Individual programs and treatment approaches continue to diversify. However, many addicts begin with medically managed withdrawal and detoxification, usually regarded as the first treatment phase.

If an addict has been using gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a good program will address physical symptoms before treating addiction’s social, psychological, spiritual, and emotional consequences. Professionals also suggest a good GHB rehab treatment will help patients in all recovery stages, ranging from outpatient and inpatients services to withdrawal and detoxification.

2. Reviews

Positive reviews speak for themselves. Families and patients will always be happy to attest to the performance of a good treatment program. When choosing a rehab program for a loved one, ensure you look for honest and derailed reviews regarding their facility’s services.

A good clinic also has tons of good reviews from contented patient’s friends and experts looking to offer their customers a chance to recover faster. You may see the feedback on the clinic’s website.

3. Success Rate

Researching the treatment outcome might help you evaluate how effective the program is. It is great idea to idea to read the testimonials so as to have a feel of the clinic’s reputation and other individuals’ experience.

If a treatment program has not been around for a long time to have a record on success rate, it would be best to look for rehab services elsewhere. Your recovery is far much important for you to be a guinea pig for a new clinic’s services.

4. Insurance

Treatment for drug or alcohol abuse might be costly, so be sure to look for a program, which is in-network with your insurance. Being in-network can also mean that the program has met all the quality requirements of the insurance firms.

Although some treatment providers work with insurance firms, it doesn’t mean they are in-network. If you doubt this, be sure to check with your insurance provider.

5. Duration

The time of the recovery program plays an important role in the treatment effectiveness. A full continuum of care and long-term treatment is always effective, giving addicts more time to break from addiction and start rebuilding their lives.

For instance, an inpatient program may range anywhere from 30 days to one year, whereas outpatient care might go between three and twelve months.

6. Aftercare Support

Change is challenging for every individual, and the recovering person may experience a lot of developments during and after treatment.

An aftercare plan may encompass details regarding where patients should live, steps they may follow to avoid relapse, and what type of meetings to attend.

7. Cost

Some programs are hospital-like and sterile, while others are supportive and peaceful. While different environments may work properly for various people, you may need surroundings, which you find more comfortable.

During treatment, you may need an environment, which motivates an optimistic outlook, self-reflection, and positive thoughts on life.

In Summary!

It is unfortunate that addiction treatment might be a lucrative opportunity for individuals preying upon susceptible families. Some parents have kids who are victims of the patient brokering system. Basically, this is a network of kickback strategies in which brokers get paid for referring patients to a particular treatment facility. At times, such a facility may not offer you quality treatment.

Even healthcare experts can unintentionally point you in the wrong direction because addiction treatment is not their field of professionalism. This is why it is important to navigate different treatment systems and put the above factors into consideration.