Most of us are spending a lot more time at home right now with everything that’s going on, so we’re starting to get more creative about fun ways to keep ourselves occupied during these strange times. One of my favourite things to do at home is try to recreate a bit of the spa experience and because I haven’t figured out a way to give myself a Swedish massage, a hot relaxing bath is one of my go-to things to do to melt away to have a little bit of luxury at home. If you’re missing spas, feeling stressed out, or just wanting to treat yourself then these 4 tips for recreating the spa experience should help!
1. Make Yourself a Luxurious Bath Bomb Bath
I’m a big fan of baths, they’re great for many things: soothing sore muscles, helping me sleep more, pampering yourself, moisturising your skin, and a wonderful way to unwind. At the moment many of us are struggling with high stress levels, and a bath is a great way to break your routine and to take some quality time out for yourself. One of the most important aspects of spa-like bath experience at home is adding a bath bomb! There are so many different types of bath bombs to choose from, some that are crazy fizzing colours, while others that are more muted and have moisturising oils so they’ll pamper your skin will you relax. If you’re on a budget, you can always break a bath bomb in half to get a little more mileage from it, but for me personally they take a bath from nice to amazing in some simple step.
2. Don’t Skimp on Candles
Lighting is so important and can really transform the mood of a room, and if you’re trying to create a spa experience at home then this can be one of the easiest ways to set the mood. If you’re having a relaxing bath, why not line the bath with some inexpensive tea lights? I suggest buying at least one scented candle to improve the overall ambiance of the room. There’s nothing quite like laying in a hot bath while pretty candles flicker around you. If you don’t have a bath at home, don’t fret, you can try incorporating some candles around your bathroom to create a relaxing shower environment. While it’s not quite as nice as a bath, it can still prove really relaxing.
3. Spring for Quality Towels and Robe
One of the best things about heading to the spa, in my opinion, are the fluffy soft robes. There’s absolutely no reason that you shouldn’t have one of these in your own home. It makes the transition from warm bath back to reality a lot easier. Fluffy towels are also an important part of the mix too, especially if you have long hair. If you’re not able to spend the new money on a new towel/robe set right now, a quick hack for having softer towels is to fluff them up in the drier before you take your bath and fold them up. The middle parts of the towels should still be warm when you get out of the bath, ensuring you feel really pampered.
4. Invest in Nice Lotions and Soaps
I have my normal daily soaps and moisturisers, and those I use when I want to pamper myself and feel special. It’s worth getting some good quality products that make you feel really pampered. You might want to go for the full experience and even order some face masks online so that you can pop one on while you’re soaking in the tub. Think about all the things you love about the visiting the spa and try to recreate as many of them as possible at home!
Most of us miss normal life and while many places are returning to a new normal, there are some things we’re going to have to recreate at home. Hopefully these tips hope you have a wonderful spa experience at home!