The U.S. and its COVID-19 positive cases, deaths, and hope for recovery

Antibody Testing

COVID-19 has affected countries across the world! The U.S. infections seem fatal, and the cure is still to arrive. However, amidst such testing times, the U.S confirmed of approximately 1.05 million COVID-19 positive cases. The records are verified as of March 30th, 2020. Also, close to 61,288 people have died because of the virus. If we go by specific death counts, New York recorded close to 23,477 deaths, Michigan 3,670 deaths, New Jersey 6,771 deaths, California 1,956 deaths, Illinois 2,215 deaths, and Massachusetts 3.405 deaths. Also, going by the Johns Hopkins virus dashboard, the global pandemic cases are approximately 3.22 million, and the total death count is 229,447. As the pandemic count goes up, the numbers are likely to increase, as well.

The U.S. deaths because of the virus

Approximately 61,000 Americans lost their lives because of COVID-19. Today, the models that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease resort to. For predicting the overall death counts from this pandemic, got revised. Incidentally, that provides accurate data. The hospitalization and death seem to be curtailing in New York. On April 29th, about 330 COVID-19 patients died. This number was the lowest in comparison to the counts since March 30th, as per the New York Times. Today, the total COVID-19 patients’ count is about 12,000, and all of them are hospitalized. The numbers have also reduced here in comparison. To mid-April, where 19,000 people got admitted to the hospital.

The decision of governors

Many state governors have decided to announce plans for a partial reopening of the economies. Speaking on these lines, Dr. Deborah Birx, Head, White House COVID-19 task force, asserted. That a couple of the social-distancing initiatives might get executed all through summer. Some social-distancing measures will likely last through the summer.Various clinical trials to get to the treatment are also getting commissioned.

The New York Times reported that the stay-at-home orders for 15 states are likely to expire by April 30th. The names include Texas, Alabama, Maine, Arizona, Florida, Tennessee, New Mexico, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Mississippi, Hawaii, and Minnesota. Also, four states have opened partially already. They are South Carolina, Alaska, Oklahoma, and Georgia. The remaining states will have to serve the stay-at-home protocols for a while now.

COVID-19 and the antibody testing

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has shared the initial outcome of the antibody tests, which occurred in multiple countries at the grocery stores. A total of 14.9% of people who got tested positive for the antibodies are crucial for the virus cure. Also, close to 7,500 people in New York, got the serological tests to check whether their bodies are creating the SARS-CoV-2- antibodies. The human body will make this antibody as a response to combat an infection. Hence, all those tested positives are considered to have been infected by the COVID-19 virus already. 

Doctors and medical experts hope that people who have these antibodies will soon get immune from COVID-19. It seems to be the only silver lining in the cloud, considering the increasing death counts. But scientists will require more data to work these lines and bring on the cure.

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