After the country’s best doctors warned on this Sunday, America prepares for the most difficult and distressing week of their lives. Again, the UK got the unwanted mantle of the deadly COVID-19 hot spot in Europe. Post the surprising jump of fatalities that beat the worst-affected Italy.
The British Prime Minister was taken to the hospital after he complained of persistent Coronavirus symptoms.
Though there is bad news all around the world. There is a ray of hope because the number of COVID-19 deaths in New York, Italy, and Spain seemed to have been slowing down. However, the leaders, welcoming this news carefully, also warned that any goods news could simply turn into bad news. If individuals fail to adhere to the restrictions of a stringent lockdown all over the world. The leaders meant to say that all of us should stay at home to fight the pandemic and use proper masks to stay safe and healthy.
American surgeon warns of anticipated COVID-19 deaths
General Jerome Adams, American surgeon gave a stark warning that there could be more Coronavirus deaths. He cited that it could be a 9/11 moment or the Pearl Harbor moment as told to Fox News, this Sunday.
Queen Elizabeth II appealed to the people of Britain
Queen Elizabeth II, in an uncommon televised appeal to the people of Britain. Told them to act better than in a normal situation to fight the Corona pandemic. At the same time, the Queen admitted mammoth challenges related to grief, sadness, disruptions, and financial woes.
The Queen cited that in the days to come, all will feel proud about how they handled the Corona epidemic and people. Coming after the current Britons will say that the previous generation of British was extremely strong in battling the pandemic.
The situation in New York
In New York, the America hot spot of the Coronavirus so far reported that the daily fatalities dipped. To some extent together with ICU admissions and the number of people requiring breathing equipment. However, Andrew Cuomo, the Governor of New York City alerted that it is too soon to say anything. Referring to the importance of the figures of daily deaths declining in the city.
Spain and Italy have good news
As far as Spain and Italy are concerned, they too have some happy news, the daily death toll in more than 14 days. Recorded the last fatality rate of 525, according Angelo Borrelli, who is the chief of the national Civil Protection Agency. The infection pace has also seemed to slow down during this period. Then, Angelo warned that this encouraging news does not mean that we defy the lockdown and stop being on guard.
The number of infection cases also dipped in Spain, and the number of new fatalities dropped to 674. The first time the death toll has dropped below 800 in the past week. America is working hard to fight the crisis. The country is working day and night to create a vaccine to battle COVID-19 as well as to conduct scientific experiments for treating patients.