Will Pigmentation Come Back After Laser Treatment


Almost everyone desires glowing and glass skin. Unfortunately, what most of us get is saggy and pigmented skin. You can maintain glowing skin in various ways. A common method is using glycolic, retinals, scrubs, or home masks. Advanced clinical resurfacing procedures like micro-needling, dermabrasion, and chemical peels may also help you. But going for a laser pigmentation treatment Melbourne may be the most effective way to eliminate pigmentation.

Research indicates that lasers can significantly improve skin problems like sun spots, fine lines, loose skin, acne scarring, and wrinkles. But before we answer whether pigmentation will come back after laser treatment, here are some things you need to know about lasers:

What Are Lasers?

Laser is an acronym for light amplification through stimulated emission of radiation. It’s a skin resurfacing modality that uses light and heat power to enhance skin coloration, texture, and tone.

How Lasers Work

Lasers initiate a body-healing response by controlling injured tissues. When you work out, you cause some small tears to your muscles which develop to be stronger. Laser treatments operate almost in a similar way because they cause some injury to the skin surface so that your body reacts by developing new tissues, thus creating new skin.

Laser treatments also enhance the production of collagen, thus combating wrinkles and fine lines. Many celebrities and influencers such as Kim Kardashian have used this treatment and shown how it has positively impacted their skins. In fact, a study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons showed that laser treatments increased from 170000 to more than 600000 in 2018.

How To Determine If You’re A Good Candidate For Laser Pigmentation Treatment

Before attending a laser treatment procedure, you need to visit a dermatologist. These professionals will assess you and determine whether you’re a good candidate. Most patients with a history of skin cancer or raised pigmentation are often not allowed to undergo the procedure. If your body is allergic to laser lights, you may also not be an ideal candidate.

But if you don’t have these conditions, you can safely undergo the procedure. Any part of your body can be subjected to laser treatment, though the most common areas include the chest, face, arms, and neck.

Will Your Skin Be Flawless After A Laser Treatment?

Laser treatments undoubtedly combat numerous problems such as wrinkles, spots, and pigmentations. However, it may not be possible to achieve flawless skin after the treatment. Depending on your skin condition, you may require other treatments such as micro-needling, skin-boosting, and skin-tightening to achieve well-round results.

How Many Laser Treatments Do You Need?

Laser treatment plans vary depending on factors like depth, size, and type of pigmentation. You may require several treatments for some lesions to get optimal results, while other problems may be solved in a single treatment. However, most patients need two to three treatments for complete removal. The second and third treatments are usually scheduled a month after your first treatment.

You may begin seeing results after undergoing only one treatment. For some individuals, the results may be evident after four weeks, while others may have to wait up to eight weeks.

Are Laser Treatment Results Permanent?

The pigmented lesions that have been removed through a laser treatment will not return after you complete the procedure. Unfortunately, changes in hormone levels, aging, and UV exposure may stimulate new hyperpigmentation. Most laser treatments don’t inhibit further hyperpigmentation from happening.

Conclusion Laser treatments will give you permanent results. However, depending on how you maintain your skin, new hyperpigmentation may occur.