5 curiosities about animals: Do you know why…?


The animal world is full of surprises: over the centuries nature has refined the characteristics of living beings so that they adapt in the best way to the environment with intelligent strategies.

Thus, even some apparently strange or incomprehensible animal behaviours often have a very specific reason.

Here are five answers to as many questions that can arise spontaneously, observing the wildlife and domestic animals that surround us!

Why is the cat purring?

Everyone associates the cat’s habit of purring with its satisfaction when it is caressed by its owner. In reality, a single, undoubted explanation for the emission of these sounds has not been found: it is possible that the purrs have different meanings, depending on the situation.

The animal purrs when pampered by human friends, but also in its first days of life to communicate with its mother, who responds in the same way.

In some cases, then, the sound is also emitted by a cat that feels unwell or is injured.

It is likely that this is a signal that simply indicates a desire for peaceful interactions, a request for care, an absence of aggression (expressed instead by the act of “blowing” while arching the back) and a relaxed mood. Make friends with cats and know cat price in India

Why is the magpie attracted to bright objects?

The magpie is considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world: for example, it is the only bird to have passed the “mirror test”, realizing that the reflected image was it’s own. Due to the tendency to appropriate shiny objects, however, it has earned an unpleasant reputation, that of “magpie”, accompanied by the belief that it is mainly jewels that attract it.

In reality, this bird is struck simply by what glitters: even simple pieces of tinfoil, glass, common metals. The bright elements serve the magpie as decorations of its nest: it is believed that the male pays attention to the aesthetic aspect, also to please the female. Just like a husband refining home furnishing to suit his wife’s tastes!

Why do some parrots talk?

Not all parrots “speak”, repeating words from the human vocabulary. Some species, such as the Scarlet Macaw and the Gray Ash, are more predisposed than others.

These fascinating exotic birds are able to reproduce particular sounds such as words thanks to their respiratory system, which has an affinity with the human one. The fact that a parrot gets used to repeating certain words is due to the association it establishes between them and certain situations.

For example, he can learn to attract attention by saying hello, after hearing the appropriate expression several times. Much depends on the relationship between the animal and the owner or other people with whom it lives in contact. If it is a positive, serene coexistence and a little time is dedicated to “dialogue” with him, the parrot will have a better chance of learning real words.

Why does the dog wag its tail?

As with cat purring, dog wagging is typically associated with positive interactions with the owner or other people.

In fact, in many cases the dog frantically wags his tail to show contentment: for example, when he “celebrates” a person, approaching them with playful behaviours.

This signal, however, can also be associated with less positive moods: even situations of nervousness. An Italian study conducted on 30 dog breeds observed that animals tended to wag to the right when they were happy, to the left in times of tension.

When a dog we don’t know wags its tail, therefore, it is always good to evaluate the situation and its other behaviours, before trying to touch it or in any case to approach it. In particular, we can observe if he comes towards us by manifesting the desire to play, or if he keeps his distance by appearing cautious. Furthermore, in situations of tension, tail wagging can be alternated with the classic posture with the tail stretched back.

Why does the wolf howl at the moon?

The howling wolf apparently facing the full moon is a well-known image, also associated with myths and legends.

In reality, the classic position of the animal emitting its sound with its head towards the sky does not mean that… it wants to turn to the satellite.

Wolves simply use howls as signals of communication with the rest of the pack: to summon others, to signal their position. In order for the cry to be audible even at a distance of km, the wolf must assume the well-known posture with the head turned upwards.

The fact that in ancient times, without powerful lighting tools, it was easier to spot these animals on the nights of the crescent Moon has probably reinforced the belief that the howling was aimed at the satellite.


It just goes to show that while certain animal behaviours and actions may look surprising to us, there is a specific reason behind them. We may not always understand the reasons behind the actions but nonetheless, it is fun to read about them. If you want to find out more interesting facts and trivia about animals, we suggest trying out random animal generator. These are websites that give out facts about random animals or even specific ones. They are both fun and informative and a good way to spend time.