David JC Cutler notes youth entrepreneurship programs can harness economic development

David JC Cutler
David JC Cutler

Research studies have revealed that rural communities that run youth entrepreneurship camps are more likely to prosper financially than those that do not. More and more communities from urban centers are also running entrepreneurship development programs to bolster economic development.

Several organizations are tying up with educators to set up such programs to offer entrepreneurship skills to young people. You can find many such opportunities if you want. In this article, you will learn why such programs are so successful these days.

David JC Cutler notes that entrepreneurs can improve local economic conditions

A lot of youth, aged between 17 and 20, are opting for undergoing such entrepreneurship programs because they can learn essential skills that can help them run their own business later on. Activities within these programs include learning from the experiences of local entrepreneurs, participating in practical activities to learn about the community, assess their specific skills, and so on. These factors will help the learners create their business idea and realize how they can execute them successfully. Learners understand the several aspects which can improve their teamwork and acquire leadership skills and financial acumen.

All of these factors will enable them to establish their business in the future successfully. These young men and women would be able to generate employment for other members of their community. Consequently, the whole economic outlook of the community will change, and they would be able to develop financially.

Partnership programs are essential

David JC Cutler opines that to ensure that such camps can run successfully, it would be essential for organizers to partner with several institutions. Community colleges and public schools can be such institutions that can offer their premises on the weekends for the camps to run and disseminate information about the programs to their students. Similarly, local or regional business organizations can volunteer to come and provide classes and hold informal discussions on how they gradually established themselves. Such exposure can inspire the youth.

Encourage the youth to think

The sole aim of these programs is to encourage the participants to think like entrepreneurs. They learn to be more creative and willing to take certain risks. These programs enable the learners to precisely gauge what their community requires and what does well for them. The learners are encouraged to assess the interests of the locals, and they become competitive and creative in coming out with exciting business ideas. The organizers and resource persons then adjudge the learners and award them based on their engagement and presentations.

These factors can inspire learners to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, and a lot of students try to build upon their existing ideas and try to establish a business. All of these are that the local communities tend to develop economically and become more self-reliant.

Running entrepreneurship programs and camps for the youth can enable them to acquire essential skills. They would be able to set up their business ventures to help in the upliftment of their community.