Eric Dalius : Performance Tuning Issues For Databases- How IT Managers Save Businesses?

IT Managers Save Businesses1

There are instances when the performance of the database dips and often becomes worse than before. IT managers say that problems with performance can be handled in several different ways and levels.

However, in the production levels, the issue often falls on the IT department. To incorporate solutions that are quick and minimal when it comes to the disruption of operations. Make sure that you have an efficient team to deal with this.

Why do IT managers need to get involved?

IT managers and specialists need to step in to manage these performance-related issues. Organizations should never attempt to deploy third-party tools to fix problems. It is prudent to call experienced IT experts trained with the skills and the latest technologies to resolve the issue.

Note, database administrators and IT professionals have multiple ways to attain database performance tuning. To meet the underlying infrastructure of the business. Incorporate stored procedures, add the needed indexing, and make changes to the schema to modify tables.

They are the experts that determine the nature of the data. Good developers are like ninjas that ensure that the caching, side throttling, client queries, and more are in tune with the business’s needs. They use innovative measures to rewrite apps so that they can create new, beneficial databases for business. For example, a company might be using a SQL database. When issues arise, the IT managers step in to make changes and create a NoSQL variant.

Note that databases of all kinds suffer from some form of performance degradation, especially when they are in full operation. The situation gets worse when IT developers expect the IT professionals to add more infrastructure in case things in the production phase slows down. This is not a good option, and it is here that IT specialists should devise ways to arrest performance issues and save the business from stagnation.

How can you arrest database performance issues when they are identified?

  1. Scaling up of infrastructure- However, this might not improve the performance of the database all the time. Even if you enlarge the resource pool for the organization, not all of the resources. That you have chosen with work for the optimal performance of the database. In case the database is a physically hosted one. The addition of infrastructure resources can be challenging. However, if you have a database that is virtual or hosted on the cloud. The addition of more resources can still be much feasible and easier.
  • The expansion needs to be scaled out– There are some databases, for instance, the clustered MySQL database that is easily scalable. However, experts from reliable database administration companies in the USA,, say that clustering might have a few limits practically, or it might need techniques for partitioning that might affect its reliability and consistency in performance. The database clustering also needs some modifications in the management of the system and upgrade in its plans for protection.
  • The archiving should be active for the database- Most organizations do not resort to archiving, which is essential for boosting the performance of the software. Archiving means that there is some data in the organization that is no longer in use or beneficial to its operations. However, there are modern systems like the Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression that is built-in Oracle that deals with data that is old or still-relevant. These active archives play a role in boosting the performance of the database as the archived data boosts the performance of the analytical query when the data becomes compressed and more static. 
  • Accelerates with FLASH- FLASH is a widely-sought after solution when it comes to the performance of the database. When FLASHis deployed strategically, it helps in accelerating a lot more than just the database. The biggest advantage is FLASH becomes transparent for the organization’s database. It can be functional as a server or as a storage cache or as a solid-state drive with the ability. Again, some vendors often blur the lines a step further by putting FLASH into the storage tier. However, organizations should note that the solution of FLASHfor boosting. The database’s performance is an expensive fix, and some solutions address the patterns like reading I/O that might not resolve. The current bottlenecks in the current database.
  • Internal upgrade to the database engine-This is an exciting and innovative approach that boosts the performance of a database. This technique can be used for the MongoDB and MYSQL databases that are highly popular for modern businesses. Here, the database’s internal engine can be swapped for an open-source version that is high in performance. The replacement process does not need any infrastructure change as it is entirely transparent to the database application. Besides the above, the index of new databases can write and index data. They can optimize the I/O stream of the database naturally to enhance the use of FLASH.

Therefore, when an organization faces problems with the database performance. The above solutions can be explored and implemented for the organization.