As everyone is experiencing the transition in technology, fund transfer is a matter of a snap away from general life habits. Since the demanding changes in the financial market are becoming more troublesome, online fund transfers cut down the complexities of regular transfers by their quick and easy features, essential to wealthy financial management. Financial institutions such as banks can initiate these transfers for themselves or on record of the clients from the online service units. Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) is a payment tool that allows speedy and more trustworthy digital fund transfers at payment terminals which are used worldwide now.
The payment terminals can be used at the transaction time with debit or credit cards for securing payment. Nowadays, EFTPOS gift card are used as a manner of gift exchange by many prosperous people.

The classification of fund transfer
Fund transfer is of different forms. Funds transfers can be classified as incoming fund transfer, outgoing fund transfer, and internal fund transfer depending on the movement of the funds in the exchange mechanism. Incoming or outgoing transfers designate whether the funds are coming in or going out of the bank or the financial institution. Internal transfers symbolize funds being transferred inside the banking organization without any involvement of the public. No additional financial body has a role in such financial transfers. Based on the financial bodies involved in the fund transfer, the transfers can be classified as customer transfer and bank transfer.

● Customer Transfer: An exchange in which either the ordering customer or the beneficiary customer are non-financial institutions. The fund transfer is held between general or random bodies called the customer transfer.

● Bank Transfer: The reallocation of funds between the ordering institution and the beneficiary institution relates to the bank transfer. The financial body that pays the recipient and all intermediary parties are financial institutions precisely as said earlier.

The world of digital money
The present era is a period of ease, and the digital world is a real addition to this culture of fund transferring. EFTPOS gift cards are the most iconic among those. EFT involves financial activities such as credit and debit card transactions, wire transfers, direct deposit, online gift cards and online bill payments, which are indispensable and can’t be kept aside. While a cash transfer application or website application can combine connections to bank, credit and debit card accounts. The digital money market is encountering significant growth, and the strategies are iconic and trustworthy.
Progressive path
The technological progression has enabled numerous financial institutions to contribute a high standard of assistance in all banking and financial services, encouraging them to access their financial securities from home. The modern technology is very much supportive of the banks and additional businesses since they are good at streamlining their co-operations. Customers are no longer obliged to visit banks and their branches to carry out various banking services.

The future of financial transactions is happening without bank appointments and the long waiting in queues. Since the banking organizations regularly renew their services on online platforms, clients can use either internet banking or mobile banking to accomplish their banking requirements, making it easier for the bank employees and the customers. Most banks provide multiple options on the internet when it comes to transferring money online. Just like any other services, money transfer opportunities have their advantages and disadvantages. It enables people to have the versatility and flexibility to select one over the other based on their demands