Novel Ways of Making Your Sex Life More Interesting

Sex Life
Sex Life

Even though most people shy away from discussing it openly, there is no doubt that sex is integral to all romantic relationships. However, it can become very boring and even stressful if you get locked into routine sex life. Here are some great ideas of getting steamy and in the process even make it great fun to discuss them.

Ditch the Bed 

If you think that the only way to have sex is to do it on the bed, then you could not be more wrong. The next time you want to get physical, think about dumping the bed and stepping into a new environment; use the kitchen table, if you like, or the bathtub or even frolic by the moonlight in the terrace. The sense of sheer novelty of having sex in an unfamiliar environment will heighten your senses and make the experience far more enjoyable.

Buy a Sex Toy Together

For liberated couples, sex toys are no longer something that you hide away but put out in the open to be savored together for mutual satisfaction. It can be great fun to shop together for sex toys like an oral sex stimulator or a vibrator out in the street or online. You not only get to know what your partner prefers but also build an air of expectation that can set your bodies tingling even before you open the package and discover its delights.

Indulge in Role-Playing 

Everyone has their favorite sexual fantasies but don’t care to discuss them for the fear of sounding kinky or being laughed at. However, discussing your fantasy with your partner and enacting it can be great fun and can bring a new dimension of enjoyment and sexual satisfaction. Sex is all about liberating yourself from your inhibitions and playing out different sexual fantasies with the encouragement of a willing partner can be truly enjoyable. Role-playing does not need too much paraphernalia; just wearing high heels, a tie, or even a cap while having sex can often be enough to electrify the atmosphere.

Experience the Power of Massages

All of us know how relaxing a massage can be after a long and tiring day at work but have never cared to take it into the bedroom to get the blood racing. Light a couple of candles, put on some soothing music, and ask your partner to rub away your stress and do the same for your partner can bring about a release you could have never imagined. Soon, you will find your body yearning for just more than a simple soothing touch. According to, sexual satisfaction is best improved by massages.


They say sex is in the mind and it is true that by building up anticipation, you can make your sex life far more interesting and exciting. Start dropping naughty hints by sending messages about how you are feeling, and what would be the ultimate experience in the evening. By building sexual tension, you can make sex far more fun and worth anticipating. While new methods can jazz up your sex life, real intimacy that is the secret of good sex only comes when both the partners feel free to express their feelings without any inhibitions.