Michael Giannulis explains various steps for implementing changes in a business organization

Michael Giannulis
Michael Giannulis

Changing any business organization does not happen effortlessly. It is a painful task that requires proper evaluation of several aspects of the institution. Sometimes, government regulations force specific changes to occur. Demand or pressure from the public also plays a decisive role in driving a change. The increasing pressure to “go green” and new production methods, along with the demand for developing an online presence, inspires changes at times. Even minute alterations may result in significant challenges; however, instituting them makes your enterprise more competitive.

Some critical ways you may change your organization as illustrated by Mike Giannulis

Determine the role: when you decide to initiate changes, determine the decision each individual takes. For handling changes, outline the procedures. Make provisions for meetings with the various teams for identifying the principal players for discussing their roles and the overall process of making changes.

The decision on changes: try to involve all the stakeholders in a meeting regarding possible changes. If it concerns redesigning a product, hold conversations with individuals implicated in manufacturing product components and marketing professionals and engineers. Try to determine which changes are essential for maximizing the profit without sacrificing social wellbeing and the environment.

Creation of a drive: discuss with your stakeholders and employees the various reasons why change is essential. Identify the threats that may occur due to changes and the opportunities that may emerge following the change. Back your claim with substantial evidence. It will create a sense of urgency in the implementation process. Give each employee the information they require to implement the changes.

Monitor the changes: according to Michael Giannulis, not just the implementation but also proper surveillance of the change is essential. Those in charge of monitoring must do their job seriously and communicate with others involved in the process. They must develop a thorough and apparent report about the progress of the change. Evaluation of the process regularly and making necessary modifications is vital.

Share the progress: after implementing the change, share the progress with the public and stakeholders. It may look like a disturbing task; however, it is an organic ingredient for the business. Try to hold meetings with stakeholders and potential customers, distribute the press release among them, and report their response.

Short-term objective: keep the customers inspired and motivated by recognizing the goals you have met shortly. When they know which stage you are working, they can assume the next step. It will enable the change to occur smoothly.

Harp on the organization’s vision: every business entrepreneur needs to convey their goals and vision to their organization’s other people. It will help to channelize all their efforts in one direction.

After the implementation of the change, the process is not over. Continuous review of the progress is essential. Also, the preparation of reports on the survey for future reference is vital. Discuss the areas where the company may improve and challenge yourself to go beyond your goal. You must imbibe changes in the growth of your firm as a whole.