How to Become a Merchandiser


We have all been passer-by with no intention whatsoever of window shopping, but then suddenly, this gorgeously-robed mannequin arrests our wandering attention and compels us to take a second glance, and then a third, until we cannot resist but walk into the store and enquire about that outfit. There are people exclusively employed to create such window display works-of-art that others find scintillating – merchandisers. 

However, to create such masterpieces, one must first learn the science behind it. Given below are a few useful tips for aspirants that wish to become successful merchandisers in the future.

Tip #1 Acquiring the Proper Qualifications 

Most employers would be in favour of applicants with relevant educational certification in the field. Hence, aspirants must learn merchandising course; for instance – fashion merchandising aspirants must choose notable institutions such as the Pearl Academy, which offer comprehensive learning models for a 360-degree understanding of the fashion merchandising industry. Plus, besides being a requisite, a merchandising course will equip them with a clear understanding of the various principles involved in retail sale. Students will study and gain insights about consumer demographics, product knowledge, inventory management, and more. 

Tip #2 Receiving Hands-on Work Experience 

“One needs experience to get experience” is every job aspirant’s universal dilemma, and this is precisely what official internship programs are for! Besides enriching the resume, an internship opportunity prepares the one pursuing it for real-life challenges and stresses of the merchandising industry. Candidates come face-to-face with the demands of the workplace, get to make useful connections within the industry, learn the importance of collaborative work, and get to test the waters. So, it is about beefing up the resume and more!

Local fashion houses can be contacted for internship opportunities, or innumerable postings can be found floating the virtual space, even from top recruiters across the world.

Tip #3 Designing a Portfolio the Right Way 

Endeavouring to make it big in the field of merchandising without a well-planned portfolio is the perfect recipe for failure. Given the cut-throat competition, merely having a portfolio is not enough; aspirants must be willing to walk that extra mile. How? First, by making the portfolio easy-to-navigate and as relevant to the job as possible. This could mean developing multiple portfolios, each with a niche set of designs for the various vacancies that are being applied for. The portfolio must ideally have a balance of text and design ideas, and the applicant must ensure that all designs are neck-and-neck with the current trends; however, not lacking in originality. More often than not, designing a portfolio the right way can be the single most influential factor in securing the desired job.

Tip #4 Creating a Resume on an Equal Footing 

Gone are the days when resumes were intolerably bland and mechanical, having the same old information being reiterated over and over; no wonder simply skimming through each tuckered out recruiters! Now’s the time and age when standing out from the crowd must begin right from the application stage, which means the resume must be unique – in terms of the font, layout, colours, presentation. The most vital component of a creative yet straightforward and professional resume is to bring out the purpose and objective of the job so well that the recruiter simply can’t say no. For this, applicants may have to create multiple resumes based on different positions and roles they apply for – personalization is the key to success. 

Over and above the above-mentioned tips, it is equally essential to forge and maintain strong connections, be it with college professors, fellow students, retail business owners, retail managers, experienced merchandisers, and the likes as those who have walked the path before are the most qualified to direct those following behind. 

The field of merchandising is a highly promising one, offering decent pay-scale and a challenging yet rewarding work environment. However, considering that it is also a field known for being relentless in terms of competition, entering it with the right planning, knowledge, and preparation is a must.