The Best Freelance Accounting Jobs to Double Your Income (Fast!) 


Freelance accounting jobs are hard to find, especially if you’re just starting out.

There’s a lot of competition for these jobs and the good ones go fast. You need to be able to get in front of as many potential clients as possible when they post their job listings online.

But don’t worry! We’ve got your back.

This guide will teach you how to double your income by finding freelance accounting work that is easy to apply for and pays well. We’ll show you where the best places are for finding freelance CPA jobs, what kind of companies hire freelancers, and how much money you can make with each type of client so that you can pick the ideal clients for your skillset.

If this sounds like something useful then keep reading!

1. Become a Virtual Assistant

Businesses rely on administrative assistance, making this one of the top freelance jobs in demand. As such, it typically pays between $15 and $30 per hour, so becoming a virtual assistant could easily double your salary by providing some part-time work on top of your full-time job. You don’t need any special education or certification unless specifically required by the employer.

2. Be a Blogger

There are lots of opportunities for accountants who want to blog and may be able to make extra cash. You could write reviews of your products or services, or simply write financial advice based on your expertise. Either way, if you start a popular blog, you’ll open yourself up to an expanding market.

Also, if you have a degree or professional certification in finance, economics, or accounting, you could teach online through an e-learning program. Not only does this allow you to share your knowledge with the world, but it can also be a lucrative endeavor, with some instructors making upwards of $100,000 per year.

Many programs offer full payment in advance to eliminate any risk on your end.

3. Open Shop as an Accountant

If you’re not working at a firm and you don’t have enough hours in the day to take on full-time work as a contractor, freelancing might actually provide more money by allowing you to work fewer hours but for higher pay. It’s important that you carefully consider all of the expenses associated with opening a new solo practice, but this approach can help professionals double their salaries in some cases.

4. Automate Your Services

Many businesses hire consultants or accountants to help them transition to automated accounting practices. If you have the right credentials, you could get hired by small firms that don’t want to take on the full-time staff of their own but would rather outsource this work at a high hourly rate.

5. Take on Extra Shifts or Part-Time Hours

If you’re willing to pick up some extra shifts at work or just reduce your schedule by an hour or two each day, there are plenty of companies that will pay for more of your time. Even if you only get paid $15 per hour, these opportunities typically come with little overhead and can quickly add up over a few months’ time.

6. Help Businesses Manage Their Money

In addition to working more hours at your own business, you could also consider helping other companies keep track of their financials. In essence, you’re providing the same services as a full-time accountant but for higher rates because these prospects expect that it will take more time and energy to get all of the work done during a shorter period of time.

7. Land a Short-Term Contract With an Agency

When companies have an urgent need for temporary help or require a freelance accountant on a longer-term basis, they’ll often hire from an agency. If you have the required licenses and experience, signing up as a contractor with one of these organizations may allow you to use your skills while being able to work from anywhere.

8. Offer Consulting Services

Many businesses could benefit from occasional help with their accounting, but don’t want to hire a full-time employee. This is where you come in as a consultant who can offer your services for a specific project or on a periodic basis.

Typically, this arrangement results in higher pay for you as the consultant since the client is expecting more specialized assistance than what they would get from an in-house staff member.

9. Do Bookkeeping Work

In some cases, companies may need help keeping their books up to date but don’t have the budget to bring on another accountant. If you’re comfortable doing basic bookkeeping tasks such as tracking expenses and preparing invoices, this could be a great way to earn extra income.

10. Prepare Tax Returns for Individuals, Small Businesses, or Trusts

People who need their taxes prepared but can’t afford a certified public accountant may be able to hire you as a part-time preparer. Typically, you’ll be competing with larger companies that have significant economies of scale, so it’s important to build up your own business by marketing yourself and getting referrals from existing clients.

Often the best approach is to start out working for another tax prep company before branching out on your own after you’ve built up enough experience.

Want to Learn More About Freelance Accounting Jobs?

There are many benefits to freelancing, but one of the most attractive is the potential for higher earnings. Whether you’re looking to make a few extra dollars or double your income overnight, there are plenty of freelance accounting jobs that will help you accomplish this goal (and more). If you want to learn more about how to become a freelance tax CPA, please visit our blog!