New York: The New Hot Spot of Coronavirus Receives 1,100 Ventilators


New York, which is now the epicenter of the Coronavirus, receives 1,000 ventilators from China. And when it comes to Oregon, it shipped 140 breathing machines to brave COVID-19 infection. However, Andrew Cuomo’s initial plan to make hospitals in other places of the state to give away spare ventilators to New York City did not happen. The Governor asked to give up 20 percent of any unutilized ventilators to the National Guard for provisional redistribution.

New York gets ventilators from China

New York received 1,000 life-saving ventilators, donated by billionaires like Joseph Tai and Jack Ma, who are the co-founders of Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce company. Oregon also decided to send 140 additional ventilators for those plagued with COVID-19 infection.

The influx of breathing machines provided some relief after Cuomo repeatedly warned that New York’s supply of the ventilators. It would dry out soon in case the number of the worst-affected corona patients keeps rising at a rapid pace. Therefore, the contribution of the breathing machines will make a considerable difference to the people of New York.

New York – Worst hit place in the US

New York has become the hot spot of corona infection with more than 113,700 confirmed COVID-19 cases last Saturday. The worst part is that over 3,500 people have succumbed to the Coronavirus infection and approx 15,000 patients are affected and hospitalized. 4,100 patients have been shifted to the ICU, though, several, if not everyone, will require ventilators.

The corona pandemic has affected New York City the most. The Governor’s declaration came a day after he cited that he will make the National Guard. Amass and redistribute breathing machines that a couple of hospitals were not using.

Cuomo alluded once again on Saturday to the strategy; however, the details are not clear. The governor cited that the state will have whatever equipment is available, and these could be used in the best possible manner. Cuomo said that he would like to seek at least 20 percent of unutilized breathing equipment and ventilators, which should be approximately 500. Now, this idea alerted some Republican politicians as well as a couple of hospitals. According to them, it would make people in their respective areas more susceptible to the COVID-19 infection.

Two hospital umbrella groups did not panic

No, all hospitals did not panic or protest. The Healthcare Association of New York said that a couple of hospitals. Have already sent equipment and medical staff voluntarily or accepted COVID-19 patients from worst-hit hospitals. Again, the Greater New York Hospital Association represented the idea as continuing reciprocity among hospitals as the corona outbreak’s epicenter shifts.

Both of these groups and many other hospitals cited on Saturday that they received no additional information on Cuomo’s plan. Even the Health Department of the state cited that they got no information besides what the Governor said. The COVID-19 pandemic requires efficient management and the best medical infrastructure to fight the menace. Lockdown and social distancing are key solutions to the danger.