Tips To Help You Survive In a Country That Speaks a Foreign Language

survive in a country that speaks a foreign language

Tips to help you survive in a country that speaks a foreign language isn’t common knowledge. Travelling to countries that speak a different language can be quite the hassle. However, you do not have to cancel your trip just because of the language barrier. If you are planning a trip to a foreign country, you need to know how to survive in a country that speaks a foreign language. In a foreign country, you must communicate to enjoy your time there. Be it business, pleasure, or vacation purposes, at some point; you may have to speak with the natives of the country. This can be very frustrating and can get you stranded if you can neither talk to nor understand them. If you go through this guide, you may find a tip that can help you survive in a country that speaks a foreign language.

Learn The Important Phrases

To survive in a country that speaks a foreign language, you must learn some basic phrases. Now, you do not have to undergo a full language training first, but there are some things you should know how to say. The first sentence you need to learn to say is, ‘I do not speak your language fluently.’ English being the universal language of travelling makes things easier.

In most cases, English speakers are found around airports. IN countries that are used to having tourists around, the locals speak a few essential words of English. So, this can be helpful. Nevertheless, you still have to be equipped if you must survive in a country that speaks a foreign language. Some other basic phrases you should learn if you must survive in a country that speaks a foreign language are; ‘hello,’ ‘thank you,’ ‘please.’ ‘do you speak English’? etc.

Always Carry Important Information Around

Information like the address of the hotel or house where you stay should always be with you. If you hope to survive in a country that speaks a foreign language, carry important information wherever you go. Getting lost in a foreign country can be frustrating. For one, you have no means of explaining your plight to people. If you have the address with you, you can show people, or show the taxi driver to help you locate your destination quickly.

Use Language Apps

There are language apps on online stores now. If you must survive in a country that speaks a foreign language, a functional language app will come in handy. Apps like Babbel, Duolingo, 50 languages, and other similar apps can help you. Most of these apps have in-built word pronouncers that can help you correctly pronounce the words. Although the apps are not the most practical solutions for communicating physically, they can still be beneficial. Get a language app possibly before your trip, and study some of the crucial phrases there. You never know when it will come in handy.

Take a Course On The Language

If you have the time before you travel, or you are going to spend a long time during your trip. It is advisable to try taking a course on the local language. To survive in a country that speaks a foreign language, you must have a good knowledge of the word. Taking a course on any language is never a waste because you may not know when your experience will come in handy. Imagine the fun and excitement you will receive from speaking a new language.

Use Gestures And Body Language

If you are totally out of words and have nothing else to say, using gestures will not be a bad idea. Thankfully a lot of essential phrases can be translated to gestures. It is said that hand gestures make up a higher percentage of language than spoken words. When you are stuck and trying to survive in a country that speaks a foreign language, your last resort might be using hand gestures. So, go ahead. However, you must be sure that your gestures are not seen as offensive in that particular country. You should also make sure the gestures you make are correctly translated. You do not want to end up in a supermarket when all you needed was a bathroom.

Book a Tour

If you cannot deal with any of these survival tips, here is another way you can live in a country that speaks a foreign language. Booking a tour. This will give you a more leisurely trip as someone else will be available to take care of all the details for you. During a tour, there will be someone around who can speak English as well as the local language of the country. This person can serve as your translator during the tour.
International country trips can be fun, and differences in language should not prevent you from making the trip you wish to. Follow these tips to help you survive in a country that speaks a foreign language.

The Bottom Line

With this guide, never again or never will you ever be stranded in a foreign country on the count of a language barrier. We will like to hear your experience in the comment section, about how you survived a foreign country speaking a different language.

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