As a human being grows, the body and the mind start to develop certain disorders. Physical disorders that develop with age are extremely common. Some examples include disorders related to the heart, bones, muscles, or skin. Many people start to develop issues like arthritis, various vitamin or mineral deficiencies, eczema, or other such issues with age.

A lot of times, some people also start to show symptoms related to the mind. People start to become forgetful, or generally lose their ability to make decisions, and become dependent with age.

One such issue that is commonly seen among a number of people is dementia. This is a disorder related to the functioning of the mind, in which the patient starts to show symptoms of forgetfulness. In the beginning, they may just forget basic things, but with time, as the condition worsens, dementia patients may not even recognize their immediate family members or loved ones.

Dementia treatment is offered by a number of facilities that provide suitable care to the patients dealing with dementia, and also offer support and guidance to their family members.


Dementia is actually a collective medical term given to the disorders related to poor functioning of the brain. It also includes symptoms of forgetfulness, alzheimer’s diseases and other behavioural or emotional changes caused by dysfunctioning inside one’s mind.

It is a progressive mental disorder which means that with time, the symptoms may worsen. For example, in the initial stages, one may simply forget to pay their bills, or meet up with a friend or a family member at a pre-decided time and place, or even their way back to home.

As the condition progresses, a person may completely lose their ability to remember any known faces, and also have trouble with making decisions in life. It greatly affects the family members and loved ones of dementia patients as there is not much that one can do in such situations apart from being patient.

Dementia treatment varies depending upon the situation and condition of the patient. Many times, if diagnosed early, medicines and suitable support or therapy can help with the symptoms of the same, but till date, there is still no permanent cure available to cure dementia completely.


If one is suffering from dementia, especially a family member or a loved one, it is not only a difficult position for them, but also very painful for their family members. This is because as dementia grows, a patient may completely lose touch with who they are and everything related to their identity, including their special bonds.

It can make a person completely dependent on others and while it is not easy to handle such situations, one should definitely be careful about dealing with dementia patients.

Here are a few things that one should never say to a dementia patient as it can not only cause serious worry or emotional turbulence in them, sometimes it may even become a point of trigger for their condition to worsen even more.

  1. Never tell them that they are wrong about something, or have forgotten something, as silly or as important it may be. This is because if they are in a state of health consciousness, they would probably remember the important things but if not, then telling them something may make them feel bad, or embarrass them.
  2. Do not remind them that their loved one is already deceased. This is a common incident that happens with a number of patients who suffer from dementia, forgetfulness regarding a loved one’s death. It is already painful for them to deal with blank faces or unusual reactions from people every day. Telling them the truth about their loved one’s absence may be an emotional trigger for them and is not going to make anything better. It is best to change the subject or continue to talk with them as if nothing has happened at all.
  3. Do not argue with them, or say things that could upset them. There is a good reason for this. A person suffering from dementia has little control or memory of themselves, let alone others related to them. Arguing with them is pointless, as one can never win. There is no need to push their buttons regarding a silly topic, that is not going to matter in the long run anyway, or help their condition in any way. It is best to let them be and lovingly deal with their condition. Upsetting them could have even worse consequences, as their situation may deteriorate, or harm their emotional wellbeing.