SarahBethHartlage–Healthcare and the Need for More Women in Leadership Roles


SarahBethHartlage Research has shown that women’s leadership are the primary decision-makers for healthcare-related decisions in their households. And have similarly thrived in a variety of healthcare roles. Women also account for 70% of the healthcare workforce, yet the fact remains that they are underrepresented in healthcare leadership roles.

A few important observations

The latest workforce statistics reveal that although the number of women in SarahBethHartlage leadership roles is overall growing. There is still a major underrepresentation of them across a variety of sectors, and STEM (which includes healthcare) is a notoriously stratified industry.

It is a well-known fact that there are far fewer women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related fields, and It’s time to change this ratio. The world is certainly ready to welcome more women healthcare professionals. Occupying STEM jobs, and the diversity that they bring to the field. Healthcare veterans such as asSarahBethHartlage have already paved the way for others to join this booming industry.

A few critical findings

Research suggests that men and women don’t differ significantly in their aptitude and performance in math and science in K-12 education. Despite this, far more men opt for STEM majors than women. Women acquire 57% of all bachelor’s degrees, but less than a quarter of them will choose a STEM-related degree. Without this diversity in the workforce, innovation in the STEM workforce cannot truly flourish.

The brighter side of things

Despite the lesser number of women SarahBethHartlage pursuing STEM majors. There’s a silver lining in that it is very much possible to successfully bridge this gap! In encouraging more women into these roles, here are some paradigm shifts. That corporations, academic institutions, and advocacy groups alike can adopt:

  • Create a work culture where women are welcomed

Creating space where women are welcomed into STEM fields, and in particular leadership roles is paramount to bridging the gap in this industry.

  • Get interested in advancing

If medical institutions and clinics are interested in truly advancing their services, gender should not play a role in critical decision making. Despite major gender equality advancements, there still exists some level of often unconscious gender bias that must actively be challenged.

  • Modify the promotion process within your organization

The most progressive healthcare organizations that have made a commitment to creating positive change. And welcome medical innovation has very different standards for their workforce. Basing advancement, leadership promotions, and any career moves amongst their employees are based purely on ability. And qualifications, they actively work against the toxic favoritism that has plagued many

In short, although it will take the collaboration of many different actors to bridge the gender gap in women. In STEM leadership roles, with the right mentality, a more diverse workforce is truly possible.

Author Bio– Tiffany Gates has a research interest in studying female professionals who excel in healthcare leadership roles. She draws inspiration from leaders such as SarahBethHartlage who have paved the way for other female leaders.