Why does Jonah Engler think that charity can be a life-changing activity for all?

Jonah Engler
Jonah Engler

Our current world scenario evokes sadness and compassion. No one thought that an invisible virus would cause massive devastation to people’s lives and the overall economy. As the COVID-19 community transmission increases, people try to find ways to feel better and contribute to society. One of the best ways to do that is through charity.

Jonah Engler on the relevance of charity

Simply put, charity is all about extending your kindness and love to others without expecting anything in return. When people participate in charity selflessly, they can benefit from it in myriad ways. One of the significant benefits is a feel-good factor. Jonah Englershares a few reasons that make charity relevant in recent times.

  1. You can experience an increased pleasure

According to a National Institutes of Health Research, people who decided to donate a specific part of their income to a social cause witnessed activated pleasures centers in their brains. Our heart has been hard-wired to love others and be kind. Through charity, the heart and mind receive much pleasure by giving or standing up for a cause. Even though the experiment mentioned above got scientifically managed, it highlighted that charity does make people feel better. And keeping in mind our current situation, we all can benefit by feeling good from small gestures of kindness and love, done unconditionally.

  • You can help others

Our world is not perfect, even with its endless possibilities of technological advancements. And you will never find the right moment to give. The economy will always have fluctuations, and you will still feel the need to save more. Simultaneously, there will be a section of the society that needs food, clothing, shelter, and education. There will be various areas where natural calamities have affected vegetation and the population at large. When you think about charity, you will find great causes to contribute. As you pick up one and do your bit by donating, you help a specific section of society live better.

  • It adds more meaning to life

When you donate your money to a specific social cause, you get to meet new people who can inspire you in many ways. When you know that you can impact people’s lives through acts of kindness, it can add meaning to your life. There are times when people who face a professional or personal challenge can experience great pleasure and happiness by donating for a social cause. It adds a vital element to life and gives you a new purpose.

  • Helps you discover yourself better

Most people get caught up in the constant cycle of job and house errands. Even though we earn our income, it seems a part of us is missing from life’s journey. Through charity and helping others, we can discover ourselves and projects and causes that inspire us to work. It can be a life-changing moment for many and might direct them to a new course of life.

The truth of life is that we are all connected! And by helping others, we support a specific part of our lives to heal and balance. Charity done unconditionally cleanses the mind and expands the heart filling it with more love, warmth, and kindness for the world.