Pool Fencing – A Private Beach Access During The Pandemic


The coronavirus pandemic with its emerging variants has made beach vacations a dream and traveling a nightmare. An affordable alternative would be private pool parties with friends or close family. With the rise in demand for pool fencing, families with second thoughts about having a pool in their backyard due to various accidents have no reason to complain now!

There are three categories in trend: mesh pool fencing, aluminum pool fencing, and glass pool fencing (which has recently gained popularity). Countries’ government officials monitor the height and other factors.

Countries like Australia that are hotspots for beaches during the spring and summer seasons are primarily affected due to this pandemic which is probably the reason for the increased demand for houses with swimming pools in their backyards.

Mesh Pool Fencing:

Rust-free, strong, and woven with steel, this fencing helps to secure residential swimming pools. It is easily accessible and more economical, making it affordable for families on a budget. Since weaving the steel is done with micro or even tinier gaps, it effectively protects pets and kids who are most likely to qualify for the risk of drowning. The thickness of the mesh makes it impossible to tear apart without access to necessary tools.

Besides the standard features, these can be customized based on the existence of fountains, etc. Occurring in various sizes and colors, this type of fencing can be removed during winters. Today, there is a provision for adults to set these up by themselves, giving them the benefit of choosing a variety that best suits them.

Aluminium Pool Fencing:

Being a simple yet highly durable, elegant, and almost unbreakable form, one can install this type of pool fencing very easily. Adhering to pool fence laws (e.g., Australian Pool Safety Standards AS1926.1 (2012)) is essential during installation. All fencing in this category is decided by government authorities and must be above this limit. A qualified glazier can install an attached gate made from the same high-quality material in a customized size. Its anti-rusting properties make it customer-friendly. This type also qualifies the DIY ready category, automatically contributing to its increase in demand.

Its functionality is exceptional, and the maintenance required is almost nil.

Glass Pool Fencing:

This type of fencing, though known recently, is well-known for its durability and aesthetic. It is widely validated as a safety measure and known for creating a modern look around the pool area with transparency. One can choose the thickness and size of the glass slabs from a variety. The quality of the class varies from tough glass to tempered glass to annealed glass.

This type of fencing is pretty affordable and is available in two options: semi-frameless and frameless, and it provides this classic look to the pool. There is little or no chance for this type of fencing to break, and the maintenance is effortless as it only requires wiping once a week.

It is considered one of the best safety features for swimming pools at home as it is sturdy, has zero chance of rusting, and can serve as a windbreak during the winter months in countries with extreme climates.

The World Health Organization has formally asserted that the coronavirus is not transmissible through waterbodies. However, one must be precautious of the health of the invitees and make sure they’re either tested negative or are vaccinated fully before inviting them. After all, backyard pools with fencing can be a way of adapting to ‘the new normal.