5 Essentials of an Electrical Engineer Resume in 2021


Electrical engineering is one of the traditional and important engineering branches that is driving human society.

Being a fundamental engineering niche, it is admired by numerous individuals in the world. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 313,200 electrical engineers were working in 2020 across the country.

The same report states that the number of electrical engineer jobs will increase by 7% between 2020-30. So, if you are considering electrical engineering as a career option, you will get nearly 20,400 new job opportunities during the year 2020-30.

To be placed as an electrical engineer, you need a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. The second important element for getting an electrical engineering job is a professional resume.

Your job application will not be accepted without attaching an electrical engineer resume to it. Considering this, we are guiding you with five essential sections that can improve the quality and effectiveness of resume:

Resume Format

Choosing a suitable resume format is the first step you need to consider to get an electric engineer job. You can opt for any of these three resume formats listed below to frame a job-winning electrical engineer resume:

  • Chronological Resume Format

This resume format highlights your current status followed by your previous achievements and job titles.

  • Functional Resume Format

This resume format focuses on your skills and has a separate section to showcase professional experience points with a skill heading.

  • Combination Resume Format

It is a combination of the above-given resume formats and requires resume points under the professional experience section with a skill heading.

If you are an entry-level or continuously working job seeker, you can opt for either chronological or combination resume format. But, if you have a career gap in your professional journey, we recommend you use a functional resume format while outlining your resume.

Resume Summary

It is the section where recruiters spend most of their resume screening time. As its name defines, it is a concise paragraph defining every highlight of your resume of your entire electrical engineer resume.

We highly recommend you use easy-to-read and crisp language while writing your resume summary. Moreover, adding profile-centric keywords to the summary will help you parse through the ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

Educational Qualifications

This section comprises the details of your educational qualifications. You can consider mentioning the below-given details while framing this resume section:

  • Degree Name
  • Institution Name
  • Location of Institute
  • Grade Obtained
  • Enrollment and Graduation Dates

The Educational Qualifications section does not include your training or certifications details. Hence, we advise you to make separate sections for them if you want to mention those details in your resume.

Professional Experience

The professional experience section contains all your previous work details. We advise you to follow the below-given guidelines while making this section:

  • Write your professional details in bullet points to make them easily understandable
  • Use a power verb to start every point and highlight important metrics
  • Add keywords to get the recruiter’s undivided attention
  • Club similar points under a skill heading to put a better impression on the recruiter

We also recommend you add your previous company names, serving timeline, and location of the company to this section.

Key Skills

It is one of the most essential sections of your resume that gets the maximum attraction of the recruiter. This section will include only your skill titles showcasing your capabilities to the recruiter in just a glance.

The most effective approach to craft this section is by making subsections for your technical skills and soft skills. It will make your resume look organized and professional.

Highlights of This Article

Take a look at the key takeaways of this article:

  • Outline your electrical engineer resume in reverse chronological or combination resume format
  • Write an engaging resume summary including industry-centric keywords
  • Mention your educational details in a separate section other than training & certification details
  • Add your previous company and work details with employment years
  • Present your technical skills and soft skills in separate sub-sections

These are the 5 essential guidelines to make an impeccable electrical resume in 2021. Still, if you are facing any complications in resume building, you can use the comment section to flaunt your queries.