Gout, as Explained by Arash Hadipour Niktrash


Gout is a physical condition caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the body. People who suffer from gout can experience pain and swell in the foot joints. The condition is also associated with sudden pain and intense swelling – this comes from gout attacks. Asymptomatic gout also exists. This is when the condition exists in the body but presents no symptoms.

There also exists acute gout – this is the build-up of uric acid crystals inside the joints. This form of gout develops in three to ten days. The intense swelling and pain of the joints can cause intense discomfort. However, between gout attacks, one may not feel any symptoms. Treatment of gout is essential because if it is left untreated, it may become a chronic disease. Arash Hadipour Niktarash explains the causes of and treatments for gout in order to help you understand the phenomenon as a whole.

Causes of/treatments for gout as illustrated by Arash Hadipour Niktarash

  • Certain disorders, including metabolism disorders, blood disorders, and dehydration can produce high levels of uric acid in the body. Thyroid problems and kidney problems may also be responsible for an excessive amount of uric acid in your blood.
  • Gout mainly occurs in people who are middle-aged. It also occurs in postmenopausal women. It can be an inherited disorder that you may develop due to toyour genetic and family history.
  • Drinking alcohol and taking medicines like cyclosporine and diuretics may increase the blood’s uric acid level. In addition to this, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, and thyroid disorder may also increase the blood’s uric acid level.
  • Based on a review of medical history, your physician may prescribe you specific diagnostic tests. If you experience pain for an extended period of time, and the problems you experience are concentrated in common areas, along with swelling, your doctor may ask you to get tested. A fluid sample from the joint is tested in a laboratory in order to determine the levels of uric acid in your body. Depending on reports, your doctor might prescribe you medication to deal with the issue.
  • The plan for treatment of a patient depends upon the severity and the stage of gout. The medication works in two ways –it prevents future gout attacks by reducing uric acid levels, and it brings down inflammation in order to relieve the associated pain.
  • Drugs that can prevent gout attacks include probenecid and allopurinol. Along with such medicines, your doctor may ask you to reduce your body weight, give up smoking, and limit your alcohol intake.
  • Apart from medication, your diet is of great importance to the treatment and prevention of gout. You may have to avoid certain food items like red meat, alcohol, some types of seafood, and organ meats.

Depending on the severity of your case, your doctor may ask you to pursue surgery if the medication does not help. There are three surgical procedures for treating gout; these include fusion surgery, tophi removal surgery, and joint replacement surgery. Consult with your doctor to understand which treatment is the best option for your case and your specific needs.