Top 4 Tips by Martin Polanco to Maintain Your Mental Health during COVID-19

Martin Polanco
Martin Polanco

It’s pretty easy to feel worried and overwhelmed during the chaos of the COVID-19 outbreak. Nowadays, it’s very important to take care of physical as well as mental health to slow the spreading process of the virus. However, determine some perfect ways to manage mental health is far more important. 

During these hardships, many people are feeling impatient and frustrated. Additionally, the lockdown has increased their feelings of anxiety as well. Apart from that, many people are suffering from increased xenophobia and stigmatization. You may become depressed by thinking about the uncertainty of the future. The constantly changing social plans and schedules due to lockdown can also make you tensed. 

While feeling worried and overwhelmed is normal these days, some tips can help you to achieve mental peace. In this article, we will discuss the top 4 tips that will help you to maintain your mental health during COVID-19. 

Try to Keep Moving Daily

During the lockdown, consider waking up every day and moving your body. This is extremely essential. Whether you perform a mini home workout in your bedroom or go for a walk in your neighborhood, physical activity is very important for your mental well-being. If you feel you’re out of inspiration, you should follow some online exercise classes. Additionally, practicing yoga and meditating is another great way to unwind your body and boost your mental health at home. However, don’t forget to wash your hand if you need to leave your house to exercise. Also, apply hand sanitizer after you come back home. 

Limit Your Screen Time

Let’s be honest. Newspaper and news articles are some of the first things that you need to avoid during the COVID-19 pandemic. As per Michigan Health, don’t spend too much of your time scrolling through CPVID-19 related news. Not only will the news make you depressed but also anxious. Hence, it’s very important to limit your screen timing. By doing this, you’ll be able to keep your mind strong and healthy. 

Martin Polanco Advises You to Contact Your Loved Ones

Just because you’re maintaining governmental protocols, doesn’t mean that you need to stay socially isolate from your loved ones. Prioritize talking with your special people at least twice a day and make a schedule for a virtual video call or FaceTime. If you have children, don’t forget to involve them too as they must remain connected with the special people. 

Apart from that, you can also host a virtual movie night or virtual game night. These nights will become one of the most memorable moments in your life. When you keep a steady connection with your loved ones, it will ensure the wellbeing of your mental health. 

Practice to Journal Daily

Martin Polanco says that journaling is one of the greatest exercises and it will help you to improve your confidence as well as mental wellbeing. Pick a particular schedule to write every thought, feelings, and experience. You can also write the objectives and goals of your life. Staying connected with your feelings and thoughts during the COVID-19 pandemic is very important as it will encourage you to stay positive. 


These are the top 4 tips you need to remember to improve your mental health during COVID-19. Don’t forget that maintaining positivity and healthy habits during COVID-19 is as important as staying physically strong. In case your start showing any symptoms of coronavirus, seek immediate isolation and consult with a doctor.