Top 10 Machine Learning Projects for Beginners

Machine Learning
Machine Learning

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance rapidly in 2020, it is becoming increasingly important for all players in this area to gain mastery over Machine Learning (ML). It is because AI and ML are mutually complementary. If you’re a novice, then working on these ML projects is the best thing you can do.

When it comes to software development careers, developers are required to work on their projects. The best way to build your competencies and turn your theoretical expertise into the practical experience is to implement realistic projects. The more you try various Machine Learning projects, the more expertise you gain.

Although textbooks and materials provide you with most of the required knowledge about Machine Learning, you can never really master ML without spending your time on practical experiments/projects on ML. Upon starting to work on Machine Learning project ideas, not only can you test your strengths and weaknesses, but also obtain an insight that can make your career even more helpful.

Know more on Machine Learning

Machine Learning is one of the best and most common new technologies today! And doing a project is the best way to learn this technology. Other options such as online classes, reading books, and other sources only help us understand ML’s fundamentals, but only through projects with real-world data we can learn the subject.

More on Machine Learning projects

Machine Learning requires Artificial Intelligence, allowing computers to learn and develop a task automatically without explicitly programming them. The process begins with providing them with high-quality data, often called training data, and then training their machines using the different data and algorithms to construct various ML models. The choice of algorithms relies on the data type we have and the work we do to forecast and determine.

Top 10 Machine Learning project ideas

These ML project ideas are great options if you start Machine Learning just now or know the fundamental elements and need more practice. You can then check out all these projects, and when you finish with them, try more projects and participate in popular competitions.

  • Cartoonify an image: Transform pictures/images into their cartoon. Yes, CARTOONIFY the photos are indeed the target of this machine-learning project. So with a Python application, you can convert an image from machine-learning libraries into a cartoon.
  • Predict stock values: For all data scientists who are even moderately interested in finance, the stock market is like a candy zone. First of all, you can pick from a large number of types of data. Prices, basics, global macroeconomic indicators, volatility indexes are available. The list continues and progresses. Secondly, very granular data can be known. Each business can readily obtain time-series information daily (or even minute), which helps you think about trading strategies creatively. Finally, there are usually short feedback cycles in financial markets. You can then quickly validate your new data predictions.
  • Sports predictor: This is a fantastic arena to increase data exploitation and visualization skills with the amount of sports stats and data available. Scikit-Learn is the perfect choice for anyone with a flair in Python, as it provides several useful tools for regression analysis, classification, and data ingestion.
  • Loan predictor: This ML project’s concept is to create a model to decide how much loan the consumer can take. It is based on the customer’s marital status, education, number of employees, and employment.
  • Prediction of housing prices: There are several factors to decide the price of a home, such as location, size, number of rooms, and a few others. But when you buy or sell a home, you ignore all of these considerations. It is where this project enters! It provides several factors for the house such as exterior, location, street, land contour, utilities, proximity, roof materials’ quality, garage quality, and in the end, the house price based on these considerations.
  • Sales forecasting: This other exciting but newly developed ML project aims to forecast sales in every department in every outlet or predict them for each department. It would help if you made predictions to make better data-driven decisions for channel optimization and stock planning. You can therefore use Walmart Datasets, which have 45 outlets with sales data for 98 items! These datasets include sales per shop, each week by the department, and include selected markdown events that impact sales and should be considered.
  • Detection of fake news: Fake news is spreading like wildfire, and that’s a massive concern at the moment. We can differentiate between false information and actual news. To implement such a scenario, we can use supervised learning.
  • Detection of credit card frauds: Companies with many card purchases need to identify system irregularities. The project’s goal is to develop a model of credit card fraud detection. We will use the transaction and its labels as fraud or not to determine whether any of the customer’s latest transactions are a fraud.
  • Prediction of IMDB Box office: Films are a huge part of our world!  But no one knows what a film is going to be like at a box office. There are big-budget films that bomb and smaller films that are good. This project seeks to estimate global income for films using film casts, crews, posters, script keywords, budgets, production firms, releasing dates, language, and countries.
  • Uber pickups dataset: The data set contains details about 4.5 million Uber pickups from April 2014 to September 2014 in New York City and 14 million others from January 2015 to June 2015. Evaluate customer rides’ data and visualize the data to gain insights that can lead to business growth. A significant aspect of data science is data interpretation and visualization. They are used to gain knowledge from data, and you can obtain fast information from the data with visualization.

Final verdict

The most significant investment you can make is learning through projects. These projects help you to build and improve your ML skills rapidly. AI ML certification program provides you and your company with the best practices and practical information required for the AI revolution.