When is the best time to do root canal treatment?


The root canaling treatment is also popularly called endodontic treatment. This is a common method in modern dentistry that is used for removing infected or inflamed tissue from the inside of the tooth. Its goal is to save the tooth, which is badly infected or decayed. Latest technology and modern techniques have allowed root canals to evolve into comparatively comfortable treatments, which often need two to three trips to a dentist.

What Causes a Root Canal?

Some common causes that lead to root canal pain comprise,

  • Decay- Decay that has penetrated the teeth’s outer layers leads to root canal pain.
  • Disease- Some risk factors that cause tooth pulp infection comprises chips or cracks in the teeth, large fillings, recent dental procedures, trauma to a tooth, or severe tooth decay. If the cause of the pain is due to serious infection or decay in the tooth pulp, dentists may suggest a root canal. In this case, take the help of emergency dental in Boise, ID.
  • Damage- Chips or cracks in teeth may result in tooth decay as well as root canal pain.

Signs to Undergo a Root Canal

How do you know that you need a root canal? Well, you can only be sure by consulting a dentist. Yet, there are a couple of warning signs which you need to check. The moment you experience any of these tips, see a dentist right away. Remember, the sooner the tooth is treated, the much better it will be your outcome.

  • Heat and Cold Sensitivity- If your tooth hurts while eating anything cold or hot or feels sensitive, then you may require a root canal, especially if the pain lingers even after drinking or eating. This is an indication that both the nerves and blood vessels are damaged or infected.
  • Persistent Pain- If you have constant pain in the tooth, then it is an indication that you may require a root canal. This pain may come and go or remain all the time. The pain may be deep in the tooth bone, or there may be pain in other teeth, jaw, or the face. Pain in the tooth may have some other causes, too, apart from the root canal. These possibilities may comprise an impacted tooth that may be infected, a damaged filling, pain from sinus infections, a cavity, or gum disease. Regardless of the cause, it is best to consult a dentist during persistent tooth pain. When the diagnosis and treatment are made early, it will result in a better outcome. If your child complains of persistent tooth pain, get in touch with a pediatric dentist that offers dental care for kids.
  • A Cracked or Chipped Tooth- In case of a cracked or chipped tooth due to an accident or biting something hard, there are chances of bacterial to set in, resulting in infection and inflammation. This may damage the nerves. The nerves can get inflamed, causing sensitivity and pain that may indicate a root canal treatment.
  • Tooth Mobility- The moment your tooth gets infected, the tooth may become loose. Although this may happen due to other factors apart from nerve death, it can also indicate a root canal. Acidic waste products due to nerve death may soften the bone surrounding the root of the dying tooth resulting in mobility.
  • Tooth Discoloration- When there is an infection in your tooth pulp, this can make the tooth discolored. Breaking of the internal tissue or trauma to the teeth can result in root damage giving a grayish-black tint to the tooth. In the absence of adequate blood supply, the pulp of the tooth can die, this indicating a root canal. Though discoloration in the tooth may occur due to other causes, it is always good to consult a dentist whenever you see that your tooth is changing its color.
  • Pain while Touching the Tooth or Eating- If you experience sensitivity in your tooth when you eat or touch it, it is an indication of nerve damage or severe tooth decay that needs a root canal treatment. More so, if the sensitivity persists. The ligament surrounding the infected tooth’s root tip can get hypersensitive due to the dying pulp. Thus, the waste products, especially from this dying pulp, are likely to irritate the ligament, resulting in pain from the biting pressure.
  • Swollen Gums- If the gums surrounding your painful tooth become swollen, this can be an indication for a root canal treatment. The swelling may remain or go. When you touch this, this may be tender or might not be painful when you touch. The swelling occurs due to the acidic waste products from the dead pulp tissues that may cause swelling on the exterior part of the root tip. You may also experience a small pimple or a gum boil, abscess, or parulis on the gum. Pus may ooze out from the pimple from the tooth infection, thus giving you bad breath and an unpleasant taste.

So, if you experience any of these symptoms, you are likely to undergo a root canal treatment. Do not delay this treatment as it can stop the infection of the tooth that is infected as well as dying, help alleviate pain, it will not recover on its own, it can turn worse if not treated on time, and above all, it will save your tooth.