Curb Appeal Improvements with High ROI


Think back to the time when you first began looking for houses. As you searched listings and scheduled tours, your first impression of the houses you saw was likely influenced heavily by the home’s exterior. A home’s curb appeal is extremely important, especially if you’re looking to sell. What’s important to note, however, is that not all curb appeal additions are made equal. While some are absolutely necessary, others are more cosmetic. If you’re working towards selling your home, now is a good time to consider which home improvement projects for the front of your home are going to be the most valuable. Here are some suggestions. 

Fresh Paint

Without discussing the ROI (return on investment) that comes with a fresh paint job, almost everyone can agree with how much better homes look with one. Exterior paint can make a house look years newer and also significantly more valuable. According to insights from top agents, a fresh coat of paint can boost the price of your home by 2-5% and by an average of $4,228! Contact your local painting contractor and choose a color that is fresh and inviting. 


Power Washing, liking painting, is a great way to make the outside of your house look much brighter. If a new paint job isn’t in the picture, then a power washing is absolutely necessary. This will help remove any dirt and stains caused by weather from the siding and other fixtures and making your home look much more new in the process. 

New Garage Door

Garage doors are arguably an underrated part of a home’s curb appeal and a new one can add significant value. According to top agents, a new garage door can come with a return on investment of 76.%. Garage doors can vary in price and cost about $1200 on average to have one installed. However, you can find one at a lower price by shopping around for deals and discounts. If a new garage isn’t in your budget, consider painting your current one. Choose a color that matches your house and that will appeal to future buyers. 


A great way to clean up the garden around your home is to use mulch. Not only does it have a nice look, mulch can help add nutrients to the soil in your yard as well as keep the plants and flowers well moisturized. As far as adding value goes, agents report that mulching your garden or landscaping can add $769 on average and a 126% ROI. Additionally, it’s fairly inexpensive and doesn’t take too long to do. 

Boosting the value of your home should start where people are first looking: the outside. By putting time and energy into making the curb appeal of your home stand out among other listings, you can make more money off of the sale of your home and help it get off the market faster. Some suggestions from top agents include a fresh coat of paint, mulch, and a new garage door. For more tips and articles about real estate and more, be sure to follow ASMZINE!