What Are The Disadvantages Of Using Plastic Pallets?


Warehouses and manufacturing companies use pallets for numerous reasons. The raw materials can be metal, wood, or plastic. Each of them differs from the other in their composition and characteristics. However, this read will look at plastic pallets and their disadvantages.

An Overview of Plastic Pallets

Pharmaceuticals and businesses in the food industry are the most common users of plastic pallets. It is a hygienic way for them to transport their products. Unlike wooden pallets, plastic ones are stress-free to clean because they are permeable. Washing and sterilizing them does not take much. On the other hand, they are more expensive than the other types of pallets. However, used plastic pallets are an alternative. They are ideal when you require a lot of them, and you are working on a tight budget.

Plastic pallets are also lighter than wooden or metallic ones. They do not break easily, and they maintain their design, making them re-usable. However, it will require melting for companies to recycle the product. With background information on plastic pallets, let us look at the disadvantages of using them.

The Disadvantages of using Plastic Pallets

Plastic pallets are versatile products, and there are no significant disadvantages to using them. However, there cannot miss a few cons in their usage. Here are ways that plastic pallets are disadvantageous;

  • Cost;compared to wooden products, plastic pallets can cost you three times than wooden ones. The cost is tenable if you get to re-use the pallets. They will probably last longer than the alternative. When shipping goods overseas, it is unlikely to get the pallets back for re-use.
  • Repair; when a plastic pallet breaks, it is impossible to fix them. On the contrary, a technician can repair wooden and metallic pallets once they break. Plastic pallets can only undergo melting for remolding. It is vital to take care of the pallets and avoid mishandling them to prevent the risks of damaging them.
  • They are hazardous to the environment; oil products are responsible for the manufacturing of plastic. It also includes gases, while the primary material will be polyethylene. All these products will negatively affect the environment. It is not correct to say that plastic products are eco-friendly since their raw materials are not. Disposing of plastic products to the environment is hazardous, while burning them causes air pollution.
  • Extreme weather damages the products; although plastic pallets are versatile, extreme weather can destroy their appearance. Exposing them to strong heat from the sun makes them less rigid than they usually are. They will probably undergo disfiguration and lose their original shape. On the other hand, extreme cold makes plastic bleak and easily breakable. They are also not the ideal type to hold bulky products as they cannot hold a lot of weight; they will collapse.
  • It is not suitable for stacking; the top of plastic pallets is smoother than its alternatives. It is not suitable for stacking items on top of each other. Since businesses need to utilize available space and save on operational costs, plastic pallets will not be a suitablechoice. It also poses safety issues, as there is the risk of items slipping off the plastic pallets.


Despite the various disadvantages, there are numerous reasons to use them. It is critical to purchase according to the business needs, and the manufacturers can customize the right size you want.