How to Recognize the Early Signs of Circulation Problems

Blood circulation

Without the supply of oxygen-rich blood, our bodies will never be able to react properly. Whenever the supply of oxygen hampers, the chances are that you will start receiving symptoms in your organs and brain as well. The lack of oxygen-rich blood throughout your body is defined as poor blood circulation.


Poor blood circulation can make you fall victim to various severe diseases such as brain damaga\e, kidney damage, heart dysfunction, etc. In addition, you become prone to artery disease and atherosclerosis when you go through poor blood circulation. But how do you recognize when you actually have poor blood circulation? Well, here are a few early signs that will help you to determine your blood circulation problem,

1. Numbness in the Hands and Feet
The numbness in the hands and feet may take place for a few distinct reasons. The poor blood circulation can be one of those reasons as your bodily organs such as hands and feet are not making healthy contact with the oxygen-rich blood. Diabetes and other hormonal issues can also lead you to numb hands and feet. That’s why when you are having your hands and feet numb, you should immediately visit your doctor. 

2. Swollen Ankles and Feet
Just like the numb hands and feet, swollen ankles and feet may also come with a wide range of variety of reasons. The reasons may include obesity, pregnancy, aging, etc. Excessive consumption of salt of staying stable in one place makes your ankles and feet swallow. However, if the problem does not diminish after a few days, you might have poor blood problem. Poor circulation can cause kidney dysfunction and it can lead you to swollen ankles and feet. 

3. Leg Ulcers
Poor blood circulation is also responsible for the leg ulcers you come across at a very weird period. The ulcers usually take place on your knees and ankles, appearing as sore and patchy spots. The inflammation needs to be cured as early as possible otherwise it leads you to poor blood circulation. There are Dr. Ho’s blood circulation promoters in the market that can help you to promote the circulation in your ankles and legs. Get discount dr ho products today, so that you can save up to a lot of bucks!

4. Fatigue and Tiredness
Your organs are being impacted by the poor blood circulation as they are not having enough nutrient-rich blood within their nerves and muscles. Tiredness, breathlessness, sore muscles can likewise take place when you are having poor blood. There are many reasons that can make you prone to fatigue such as anxiety, depression, bad eating habits, etc. To make sure that you get rid of fatigue, poor blood circulation, and live a healthy life, you have to let go of your mental illness first. 


Blood circulation is a health issue that we often overlook. In fact, many people have no idea if there is anything called “blood circulation”. The majority of your illness’ can cause due to poor blood. Hence, whenever you are facing any of these symptoms, call in a doctor and start diagnosing your diseases immediately.