Top 4 Features Of PDFBear That Will Help You Work Well With Your PDF File


The world today has shifted more towards technology. Technology has started to be involved in people’s lives more and more. Technology like cellphones, laptops, and the like are almost like a need to people nowadays.

Documents like Word, PowerPoints, Excel, and PDF files are some of the most used aspects given to us by technology. Knowing these facts, it is then essential that you know how to handle data like these. Fret not we have gathered four features that will help you work well with pdf files

PDF Merge

Merge Pdf is choosing parts or portions of the documents. This website sets a range of viewpoints to let the user determine what to do if the original file contains Acro Forms or bookmarks and can create a page number and standardize the layout of the pages.

This handy tool can help you with how to compress a pdf easily. All combined files retain the same content that can be recognized on any web application (when exporting to or connecting to a site). Your data are secure since they are transmitted over a safe link. Both files are removed permanently from our databases within 1 hour of conversion.

PDF to Excel

It is kind of hard when you have to input all the files manually from a PDF to an excel. Well, with PDFbear, you can avoid that burden while using this website. The chosen tool will do all the work for you; this converter tool will transfer all your files straight into a spreadsheet in no time.

You can also use optical character recognition. It is an electrical or digital translation of images of handwritten or printed text into computer-encoded text, whether it’sits from a scanned file, a document picture, or a subtitle text overlaid on a photo. You can even make scanned book pages editable.

PDF to Word

PDF to Word is the most common converting tool; it can easily convert your PDF file into an editable Word or Docx document. This tool has an accuracy of 99.9% when converting your data to any formats. PDF to Word is frequently often used on files such as reference manual, digital books, online applications, and pdf files itself.

Keep in mind that PDFs are safer than words; in general, PDFs are used to share read-only files that retain a file’s format. For example, you have your bookmark, and people tend to copy your data, to avoid such circumstances; PDF itself has an interface that you can protect your file with password.

Protect PDF

PDFbear also has this kind of tool, you can use this, especially when your files are confidential. You can put a password to your data so that only a limited person can access your data. Significantly reduce the ways a hacker could attempt to crack the security systems of your business, and reduce the risk of data loss.


When you want to duplicate your data into multiple files, you can use this tool. Super safe and comfortable to use; It can reproduce your PDF file precisely the same way. With PDFbear, this website can assure you that all of your data are secured and gives you an output that has a 99.9% accuracy.


These tools that we mentioned are not the only format that this website can offer. PDFbear has 23 conversion tools you can choose, and that gives a significant advantage for you. This website has a malware-free service as well, so you don’t have to worry about opening your PDFs with the website’s converting tools.