Some lifestyle changes to defeat depression during pandemic explains Brian C Jensen

Brian C Jensen
Brian C Jensen

To stay healthy and fit, you will have to take care of your mental health. Physical health is often over-emphasized. However, people are less aware of mental health issues. There are multiple things you may do to give a boost to your mental wellbeing. When you are mentally fit, you can easily focus. It also increases your concentration span and helps you lead a balanced life. With the increase of COVID-19 cases, people are experiencing the new normal. The quarantine measures, safety protocol, and isolation norms are only adding to the hardship. People are finding it difficult to cope up with these safety measures. However, it is critical during trying times, and you cannot compromise on it. What you can do is take care of your health so that you can fight back.

Brian C Jensen illustrates the significance of getting enough sleep

Do you know that sleep is of significance for mental and physical health? Yes, sleep helps in regulating different hormones in the brain. The chemicals are significant for managing emotions and moods. If you compromise on your sleep, you will feel anxious and depressed.

Eat well

Eating well does not mean going for junk food. You can’t go for only those foods you like. Fried and fast foods will only affect your health. You will have to choose those food items which are critical for the mind. Brian C Jensen states that certain food items will provide you with vitamin B 12, iron, and calcium. Try going for a balanced diet and incorporate as many vegetables and fruits as you can. Try cutting down on your caffeine, as it will only add to your anxiety level.

Avoid drugs, smoking, and alcohol

Smoking and drinking are not only related to withdrawal symptoms. It also impacts mental health. Tiny shots here and there give a boost to your mood. However, regular drinking and smoking only add to your depression level. There are very few individuals who are aware of this point. Excessive drinking will result in thiamine deficiency. Thymine is integral for brain functioning. Lack of this will lead to a memory problem. Moreover, you can also suffer from confusion, motor problems, eye problems, and the like. Hence, cut down on if you want to manage the withdrawal symptoms.

Manage mental strain

Stress and anxiety are unavoidable. However, you must know the best ways of limiting them. Understand what is triggering your anxiety. Only then will you be able to take practical steps for managing the same. You can go for your classes, regular physical exercise, a balanced diet for tackling the problem. Remaining active is essential for maintaining good health. Hence, you will have to take good care of your exercise to live a longer and stress-free life.

You must engage in those activities that give you happiness. Try rediscovering your hobbies and spend time in them. Since you have a lot of time in hand and you have nowhere to go. You can paint, read your favorite book, watch TV shows to limit your irritability. You will have to find effective ways of doing things the way you like them.