Understand the costs and different treatment types for drug rehabilitation


The amount you incur for addiction treatment varies from one rehabilitation center to another. Many such centers do not take any fees for the treatment, while there are others that charge fees that are beyond someone’s ability to shell out. If you are aware of the services for which you have to pay out your hard-earned money, it becomes easy for you to decide about the payment for the services you avail.

In this article, let us find out more about the cost of rehabilitation in the paragraphs that follow.

Funding for rehabilitation services

One of the best ways to fund for the expenses related to such services is to avail insurance. Generally, most of the centers offer assistance and also accept insurance coverage. Alternatively, you can arrange for other funding options too.

Few include borrowing from peers, family, and friends, utilizing the proceeds of your passive income, if any like online trading of commodities and stocks. Initially, you can also fund from your savings at least till the time you do not arrange for an alternative.

The luxury drug treatment centers are comparatively expensive, and the amount you have to pay is pretty high. However, if you can arrange for adequate funds, you can always opt for these luxury rehabilitation centers.

What are the various types of treatment?

Let us find the costs and treatment types under the following sub-heads-


The cost of detoxification will largely depend on whether or not you plan to keep your loved one as an in-patient rehabilitation occupant or out-patient rehabilitation patient. Also, the severity of the case will determine the treatment cost. Roughly speaking, the cost can range between $1,000 and $1,500.

Outpatient rehabilitation

If your patient is getting treatment for mild conditions, the treatment type will differ from that of a moderate form of treatment. Also, the duration of the program matters. It can be around $10,000 more or less depending on the requirement. Frequency of visits also determines the treatment cost.

In-patient rehabilitation

In-patient rehabilitation costs more. That is because you have to leave your loved one behind. The duration of the program can range between 15 days to a month or more depending on the severity of the case. However, depending on the length of the treatment, the cost can go up to as high as $70,000.


Rehabilitation treatment means you also have to pay for a lot of medicines. While few people will require medication for the treatment, few others will not require as much. The cost of treatment for opiate treatment will be different from an individual that has an alcohol addiction.

Aside from the above, a few other factors will determine the cost of your rehabilitation treatment. These are as follows-

The type of center you are planning to put your loved one into. It can be a luxury center or an economical one. The various amenities offered at the center will also decide the price. The luxury centers have better facilities with state-of-art facilities and good food.