How to save on your electric bills

electric bills
electric bills

1. Compare rates    

  If you are looking to reduce your home energy bills and make sure that you get a better deal on your bills, it is always best to compare electricity rates. One of the best ways to find out about the differences in rates between different suppliers is to contact energy providers by phone or visit their website to check out their rates. However, when you compare rates online, you can see how your usage would stand up against those of other customers in your area. This is important if you want to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible for your bill.

It is easy to compare electricity rates by visiting energy supplier websites online. Once there you can see what the average cost of your current bill will be, along with what your rates would be for your consumption. You can also see how your local distribution company compares to these rates and choose those that most closely match your requirements.

If you want the best price per kWh, it makes sense to go for a usage-by-hours bill. You can enter how many hours of electricity you use each month and the site will work out the best rate for your consumption. However, there are some other factors to consider as well. Some providers offer cheaper rates for those who use their service for short periods of time.

Once you have seen what providers offer in terms of overall rates and the lowest tariffs for your chosen usage category, it’s time to check out the individual policies for all of your favorite providers. Whether you’re looking for an electricity plan with the most features and benefits, or just want to find the best price per kilowatt-hour, you can easily locate the policy that meets your needs. Just visit the main electricity comparison page and enter your name and email address to receive your free energy comparison quotes. Then you can compare plans side by side from the comfort of your own home.

When you’ve found the right plan, you need to make sure you follow the plan. Enter your usage level and you may be surprised to see your energy usage compared to the national average. Then you need to make sure you’re aware of the energy efficiency rating of your appliance. While appliances vary according to their overall performance, the rating system for products like TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, washers and dryers is not the same everywhere and should be taken into account when trying to find the best electricity rates.

 2. Do an electricity audit   

Do an electricity audit of your home or business? Is it time to check the gas and heating systems in your homes or businesses? Are you noticing a decline in your energy efficiency? It may be time for you to take control of your power consumption. This can be done without buying new appliances, and you may even find that it is cheaper than buying new ones.

Check your gas and heating bills at the end of the month. Look at your total consumption and compare it to your estimated usage for the months of the year? If it doesn’t, you may need to make some changes to your thermostat settings or to your appliances. When you get an idea about your electricity usage, you can work out an average for the month. This will give you a clear picture and you will know whether it is time for you to change your lifestyle.

Take a look at your appliances. Is it possible that you are using more than the recommended number of kilowatts for all of your appliances? If so, then you should consider lowering your settings on these appliances or unplugging them altogether. You may not notice the difference immediately, but over the month your appliances will use far less energy than they were consuming before.

Doing an Electricity Audit will reveal other ways in which you are wasting electricity. That way you can see where your home lacks efficiency. Knowing where you can improve your energy usage will help you save money on your Con-Ed energy bills.

3. Tips to lessen your energy spending  

If you’re looking for tips to lessen your energy spending, luckily, there are several ways to lower your energy bill and wind up saving you thousands of dollars a year!

Take advantage of energy-efficient windows and doors. Your local hardware store or department store should sell energy efficiency upgrades for your windows and doors at a reasonable cost. Energy-efficient windows can pay for themselves quickly in savings. New window insulation not only insulates your home better, it also keeps heat from escaping through your windows and doors, which often allows warm air in during the summer and cold air in during the winter. This cuts down on your energy bill by keeping the heat and cool air inside of your home where you want them to be.

Another tip to reduce your energy usage is to replace appliances that are in your home that are costing you more energy than they are worth. While new and efficient technology has made many appliances extremely energy efficient, you might not be able to afford them. Replacing items like washers and dryers with items that are less expensive, will not only lower your energy bills but it will also allow you to use the appliances you already have more often.

These four tips to lessen your energy consumption are effortless to do and will not take up a lot of your time or effort. If you find that some of these do not work for you, then you might want to consider joining an online forum where you can discuss ways to spend less on your home’s electricity. With hundreds of topics on energy, you should be able to find a group that will help you reduce your energy usage. There are also several online companies that offer tips to reduce your energy bill.