4 Ways to Keep Yourself Entertained During the Pandemic

Gary Saitowitz

Are you struggling with finding ways to keep yourself entertained during the pandemic? Depending on where you are, things might be already opening up, fully in lockdown, or heading for a second wave and subsequent second lockdown. 2020 has become such a different year to how many of us imagined and finding new ways to enjoy ourselves has become a challenge. Here are my top four ways to keep yourself entertained during the pandemic:

1: Get Into Fitness
Have you been stress snacking? Maybe you’ve been ordering your favourite comfort food and have noticed that your jeans are not fitting as well as before. Many of us are limiting our social interactions and also how much we’re moving our bodies. This can influence our waistline, but also our mental health too. If you’ve been feeling a little bit unmotivated or lethargic, it might be because you’re simply not moving your body enough. Incorporating a daily exercise regime is a great way to ensure you’re feeling and looking as good as possible. Website such as Youtube.com have a wide selection of workout videos you can use for free. If you’re able to exercise outside, it might be worth running, cycling or even walking around the block a few times to get your body moving and burning those extra calories.

2: Start a New Hobby
Have you had something you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time for? Well, now might just be the time! Think about those things you’ve put off. In my case I’ve always wanted to learn how to learn piano, but I’ve never gotten around to making it a reality. So I took my old keyboard out of the garage, have dusted it off, and I’m spending a few minutes each evening slowly learning how to play. Although many aspects of the pandemic are extremely frustrating, being forced to slow down and have more time to do those things we’ve always put off can be a wonderful blessing if you’re sure to maximise your newfound free time.

3. Get Into Gaming
Many people, myself included, love gaming because it’s a wonderful way to escape from daily life and enjoy a different world. There are games that suit every skill level and so many different platforms to choose from. If you don’t have a gaming console, don’t worry, there are literally thousands you can play on your phone or laptop! I really enjoy games where you can bet on yourself playing games because the thrill of maybe winning some money makes me even more competitive and raises the stakes. The other great thing about gaming is that you can make it as social as you want, you can invite your friends to play with you, which can make it even more fun. Why not organise a social distancing gaming party with your friends to make your weekends feel more interesting?

4. Reach Out to Loved Ones
This pandemic can feel pretty isolating. If you’re living away from friends and family, you might have had to cancel a trip home to visit them. Or you might be only able to see the people you share your home with for weeks or months at a time. Thankfully we live in a time of abundance in terms of technology, so you can easily set up a Skype call to see those you miss the most. If you have older family members, such as grandparents, please don’t forget about them. Many of them are also struggling with the change of routine, isolation and worry that the virus has brought with it. Spending a moment to write them a letter or email can make their day.

We’re all in this together, and hopefully the pandemic is done with sooner than later. But in the mean time I hope these tips help you find ways to keep yourself entertained during this challenging time.