Washington State is setting up a field hospital on a soccer field for coronavirus patients


Many people do not have proper infrastructure at home. To enforce isolation, which is the first step in dealing with coronavirus. Washington State has started building a makeshift hospital on a soccer field as the number of people affected by COVID-19 keeps increasing rapidly. The authorities in the Puget Sound region have come forward. To help people exposed to the new coronavirus by setting up a hospital in a soccer field in Shoreline. The decision comes as the number of coronavirus cases in Washington. Passed the three-figure mark and also touched 1,000 as on Tuesday, March 17.

The Washington City of Shoreline, the Shoreline School District. And also King County is working together and also have chosen the Shoreline B soccer field in a school. District property but leased out by the city for setting up the temporary hospital.  King County is setting up hospitals in several locations. For those who cannot safely stay at home without risking infecting the family members with the virus and for those who do not have homes. The field hospital will serve people from the greater Puget Sound region and also patients from Shoreline.

Expanding the support base temporarily

An official release says that these actions should help to stem the spread of the disease. And also support people who do not have any place to go and, most importantly, reduce the load on the local hospital. And also preserve beds for the more critical patients in the communities. The release goes on to say that the Shoreline authorities believe in doing its part to address the global crisis of coronavirus. And also provide the health needs of those in the greater Puget Sound Region and Shoreline. According to the city website, the Shoreline Temporary Field Hospital will have around 200 beds. It will out up people who got exposed to the virus, became sick with the coronavirus or at risk of exposure.

According to a city spokesman that the hospital is a temporary measure to augment the health facilities, and also there is no anticipation for occupying it longer than required.

More field hospitals to come up

This is the first among the several such hospitals that King County intends to set up for holding 3000 medical beds.  The city will grant permission to the County to operate the hospital. On the condition that it will meet Security, access, and also waste disposal standards. The County is aiming at addressing the rising demand for hospital beds in the region. And also involved in the process of setting up the infrastructure required for executing the project. All hospitals are for people who do not have a home or cannot remain their home.

In a statement by the King County Department of Community. And also Human Services Communications Director Sherry Hamilton. It is said that similar isolation and also quarantine facilities have been planned for the White center and North Seattle.

The County is continuing its effort in identifying additional locations and also sites countywide to serve as part of their public health response to the coronavirus pandemic emergency, including locations in Issaquah, an East Gate.