Rheumatoid Arthritis: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the health issues that is bothering millions of people in the United States. This condition is medically placed under a group of inflammatory diseases.

Though it affects old people, RA affects even young children. By definition, autoimmune disease is a condition whereby the immune system of the body starts to attack its tissues. This scenario happens as a result of confusion from the immune system when it mistakes body cells for antibodies.

In normal circumstances, the immune system is responsible for producing substances that kill anything thought to be foreign in the body. Various scientific studies have consistently shown RA patients to have this kind of problem.

The primary symptom of RA is inflammation in the joints and the surrounding tissues. On top of these symptoms, RA is also responsible for causing injury or inflammation to other body parts.

Because RA affects a myriad of body parts, this condition is referred to as systemic or rheumatoid disease.

The following is how RA can impact your knees. You may not be aware that RA could cause these symptoms, so, be ready carefully and get to know your status.

Buckling and Locking

If RA stays in your body over a long spell of time, it may make the muscles in your knees weak, resulting in an overall unstable structure. Due to this instability in the joint structure, you will start hearing a buckling and locking of the joints. Also, your knees might start to lock up, resulting in difficulties of bending. This sign is known to be on and off, so you need to be watchful.

Cracking or Popping Sounds

A gliding sensation is another impact that is caused by RA. Due to this gliding sensation, you may start hearing a popping sounding coming out of your knees as you try to move around. This could be an indication that your RA has gotten worse, and your bones have lost the significant cartilage that cushions them from friction. Rubbing of bone spurs is what causes the cracking or popping sound while you try to move around.

Poor Range of Motion

When RA becomes worse, it increases the burden on the sufferers as it makes it difficult for the joints to move along.

Due to the diminished cartilage in the joints, these joints might start rubbing over each other as you try to move. Rubbing and gliding of joints will result in pain and inflammation. You might not be able to perform regular activities such as climbing stairs and participating in sports activities due to this symptom.

Loss of Joint Space

Another impact of RA on the knee joint is the loss of space. Less space in the joints can be revealed through X-ray scans. Due to loss of joint space, the joint will start experiencing uncomfortable cracking sounds and the patient may suffer from difficulties in moving around. Usually, RA will cause the space meant for normal movement taken by bone spurs and other ends of bones. Bone spurs will generally come about as a result of the loss of cartilage in the joints.

Deformities of the Knee

Gradually, as RA becomes worse in the body, you might start experiencing some abnormal changes in the knee. You will start having a sunken knee due to the continued weakening of joint muscles. In some cases, you might start experiencing some bones pointing to each other. When bones point to each other, they generally cause a knock-kneed effect. Alternatively, your bones might outwardly bend making a bow-like appearance. A myriad of deformation can result from RA, and this may range from noticeable to worse cases.


Joint pain treatment caused by RA is possible through various ways including supplements. Let’s go through the popular treatment ways for RA:

  • Oral Medications

Your doctor may prescribe certain oral medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for managing the joint pain caused by RA. They may help slow down progression of the disease.

  • Topical Medicines

With fewer side-effects, topical therapy has proven to be a safe and efficient medicine to some extent. Topical medicines aid in relieving symptoms and can be easily self-medicated.

  • Injections

Intra-articular injections of corticosteroids may be recommended by doctors for the management of inflammation.

  • Supplements

According to research, dietary supplements can be of immense help. Iron, probiotics, Glucosamine and Chondroitin, fish oils, Vitamin D are the commonly used supplements for management of symptoms of RA.

Arthrozene is one such joint pain supplement that may reduce joint pain and inflammation. This supplement contains natural plant extracts to reduce stiffness, collagen to slow down cartilage loss, and humectants to hydrate the joints. It claims to reduce stiffness and improve flexibility in arthritic joints.

Cramp Defense is a supplement that focuses on reducing magnesium deficiency to reduce leg and muscle cramps in the body. It contains Truemag, a proprietary magnesium blend derived from natural sources. It is designed to be high-absorbing and non-laxative, which helps quickly boost your magnesium levels. Some customer reviews mention quick results and relief from morning and bedtime cramps while some have reported no difference in their pain levels.

Surgical Interventions

In extreme cases, doctors may suggest surgical intervention to manage pain.


To maintain the overall quality of life and health of bones and joints, consider taking supplements that will ease the symptoms caused by RA. You may consume one of the best joint pain pills that is suitable to your body type. If you’re deciding on a joint pain supplement, contact your health advisor today and start early to alleviate your pain as soon as possible.