Copper Masks Are Fast Gaining Immense Popularity: Should You Start Using One?


Studies have revealed that respirators and masks help in reducing the spread fast of novel coronavirus and its infection rates. We know that several states have made wearing masks in public mandatory. However, dramatic rises in demand when combined with shortages have resulted. In the average prices of masks going up by quadruple.

As per, masks are compulsory for health care workers to safeguard them from the novel coronavirus. Moreover, the public could be benefitted if they wear masks during this dreadful COVID-19 pandemic.

There has been a massive shortfall in medical-grade respirators and masks for both civilians and healthcare workers. The quest has been on for more effective, reusable and antimicrobial bulk cloth face masks for protection against coronavirus.

Use of Copper in Masks

Several anti-microbial masks are using copper-infused filters and even nano fabrics. With multiple tiny particles for giving them superior attributes such as odor, water, and also, microbial resistance.

Experts claim that copper could be destroying viruses and bacteria. The copper ions would then penetrate the viruses arresting them from replicating. As per the findings of the latest studies, copper has effectively inactivated the coronavirus within just four hours.

Factors to Consider While Buying Copper Masks

Just focusing on the presence of an antimicrobial coating or layer is just not enough. People buying copper mask must consider a few factors before choosing the right one. The type and number of layers, the pore size, and seal all these factors. Should matter before purchasing a copper mask.

Several Companies Have Come Up with Copper Masks

As coronavirus is wreaking havoc across the globe, people are compelled to wear fast masks and with copper.

We understand that University Hospitals got 25,000 copper-infused masks that are reusable from Cupron Inc. that is supposed to be a copper-based technology firm.

This ensures that the copper technology stays embedded during the entire lifetime of the mask. Even after subjecting the material fast to repeated industrial laundering processes in the presence of high pH values. High temperatures, harsh chemicals, and long cycles, this technology seems to be effective and just right for reusable masks.

Copper masks could be a viable solution just right for caregivers during these testing times. In such cases, the copper masks may not be effective at all. They could be just an improvement over the regular fabric mask. Experts advise you to do your homework before buying a copper-infused mask.