Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft: Angel Investing for Capital Financing: High Return on Investment or Not?

Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft

Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft starting a new business is not an easy task. Setting up a business and taking the sole responsibilities of all the successes as well as failures, is a strong motivation and there need to be continuous efforts. Apart from being a strong optimistic person and an enthusiast, a high level of capital requirement also has to be fulfilled for the business to commence.

A lot of businesses fail or succeed in the first year due to a lack of capital to invest. It is evident that in the first period of your business, the sales will not be all green, but will also involve a lot of red flags during the journey.

Several government policies for startups exist. In addition to that, banks provide loans with low-interest rates for a healthy business plan. Angel investors are also one of the options that can aid you financially.

Evaluating the Economic Condition

A key factor before you look for an angel investor is the evaluation of the economic scenario. It is crucial to understand whether any economic factors will affect the growth of your company in the industry. Proper research about the industry you operate in is essential. You have to analyze the market trends, the investment opportunities and segments, aggregate industry market value and volume, demand and gap analysis, and so on. Analyzing such factors will aid you in understanding the dynamics in the market.

Understanding these factors and presenting them to an angel investor is also essential. A formal economic analysis must be a part of your PowerPoint. There are many resources available online that you can take help from. These pieces of information and stating your analysis in the next five years will develop confidence about your business plan in the eyes of the angel investor.

Angel Investing for Your Franchise

Angel investors are more likely to provide you with the capital you need if you are starting a franchise of a well-established brand. This owes to the fact that as a franchise, you gain high brand name visibility. Although a franchise will incur more costs than a startup, the return on investment will be high if it is a big brand in due time.

The angel investor will want a specific level of control, referring to the operation of the business for the generation of a substantial return on investment. This elucidates san impression that you need to evaluate and carefully select in the best interest, what will be your source of capital investment.

Positives Overlapping Negatives

Marc Mitchell Ravenscroft apart from the positives, a lot of disadvantages also occur along with angel investors. If you take a loan from a bank, your communication with the bank will be limited to the payment of installments. However, angel investors want a certain level of control of your business.

Angel investors are not your sole source of the capital building. There are several other alternatives. The type of investor you want to choose will depend on the type of business you want to set up. If you are a budding entrepreneur and are seeking for active investment, check for your clients if they can become your potential investors.